New Titles:
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Handbook of Attachment-Based InterventionsEdited by Howard Steele and Miriam Steele
Handbook of Psychopathy: Second EditionEdited by Christopher J. Patrick
Clinical Handbook of Psychological Disorders in Children and Adolescents: A Step-by-Step Treatment ManualEdited by Christopher A. Flessner and John C. Piacentini
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Fourth Edition: A Handbook for Diagnosis and TreatmentEdited by Russell A. Barkley
Handbook of Infant Mental Health: Fourth EditionEdited by Charles H. Zeanah, Jr.
Handbook of Child and Adolescent AggressionEdited by Tina Malti and Kenneth H. Rubin
Foreword by Tracy Vaillancourt
Foreword by Tracy Vaillancourt
Psychological Approaches to Pain Management: Third Edition: A Practitioner's HandbookEdited by Dennis C. Turk and Robert J. Gatchel
Handbook of Emotions: Fourth EditionEdited by Lisa Feldman Barrett, Michael Lewis, and Jeannette M. Haviland-Jones
Eating Disorders and Obesity: Third Edition: A Comprehensive HandbookEdited by Kelly D. Brownell and B. Timothy Walsh
Handbook of Attachment: Third Edition: Theory, Research, and Clinical ApplicationsEdited by Jude Cassidy and Phillip R. Shaver
Handbook of Pediatric Psychology: Fifth EditionEdited by Michael C. Roberts and Ric G. Steele
Handbook of Competence and Motivation: Second Edition: Theory and ApplicationEdited by Andrew J. Elliot, Carol S. Dweck, and David S. Yeager
Psychological Evaluations for the Courts: Fourth Edition: A Handbook for Mental Health Professionals and LawyersGary B. Melton, John Petrila, Norman G. Poythress, Christopher Slobogin, Randy K. Otto, Douglas Mossman, and Lois O. Condie
Handbook of Self-Regulation: Third Edition: Research, Theory, and ApplicationsEdited by Kathleen D. Vohs and Roy F. Baumeister
Handbook of Social Work with Groups: Second EditionEdited by Charles D. Garvin, Lorraine M. Gutiérrez, and Maeda J. Galinsky
Handbook of Psychodynamic Approaches to PsychopathologyEdited by Patrick Luyten, Linda C. Mayes, Peter Fonagy, Mary Target, and Sidney J. Blatt
Biofeedback: Fourth Edition: A Practitioner's GuideEdited by Mark S. Schwartz and Frank Andrasik
Music Therapy HandbookEdited by Barbara L. Wheeler
Practical Handbook of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support: Building Academic and Behavioral Success in SchoolsRachel Brown-Chidsey and Rebekah Bickford
Handbook of Socialization: Second Edition: Theory and ResearchEdited by Joan E. Grusec and Paul D. Hastings
Handbook of Depression: Third EditionEdited by Ian H. Gotlib and Constance L. Hammen
Handbook of TemperamentEdited by Marcel Zentner and Rebecca L. Shiner
Handbook of Early Childhood EducationEdited by Robert C. Pianta
Associate Editors: W. Steven Barnett, Laura M. Justice, and Susan M. Sheridan
Associate Editors: W. Steven Barnett, Laura M. Justice, and Susan M. Sheridan
Handbook of Infant Biopsychosocial DevelopmentEdited by Susan D. Calkins