New Titles:
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Motivational Interviewing in the Treatment of AnxietyHenny A. Westra
Motivational Interviewing in the Treatment of Psychological Problems: Third Edition
Edited by Brian L. Burke, Brad Lundahl, and Hal Arkowitz

Motivational Interviewing: Fourth Edition: Helping People Change and GrowWilliam R. Miller and Stephen Rollnick
On Second Thought: How Ambivalence Shapes Your LifeWilliam R. Miller
Self-Determination Theory: Basic Psychological Needs in Motivation, Development, and WellnessRichard M. Ryan and Edward L. Deci

Order both items for $67.95, instead of $90.00 if bought separately!
Talking with College Students about Alcohol: Motivational Strategies for Reducing AbuseScott T. Walters and John S. Baer
Treating Addiction: Second Edition: A Guide for ProfessionalsWilliam R. Miller, Alyssa A. Forcehimes, and Allen Zweben
Treating Impulsive, Addictive, and Self-Destructive Behaviors: Mindfulness and Modification TherapyPeggilee Wupperman
Foreword by Robert L. Leahy
Foreword by Robert L. Leahy
Treating Sex Offenders: An Evidence-Based ManualJill D. Stinson and Judith V. Becker