New Titles:
All Titles:
The Abused Child: Psychodynamic Understanding and TreatmentToni Vaughn Heineman
Restructuring Personality Disorders: A Short-Term Dynamic ApproachJeffrey J. Magnavita
Unorthodox Freud: The View from the CouchBeate Lohser and Peter M. Newton
Countertransference in the Treatment of PTSDEdited by John P. Wilson and Jacob D. Lindy
The Psychodynamics of Work and Organizations: Theory and ApplicationWilliam M. Czander
The Adaptive Design of the Human Psyche: Psychoanalysis, Evolutionary Biology, and the Therapeutic ProcessMalcolm Owen Slavin and Daniel Kriegman
Family Dynamics in Individual Psychotherapy: A Guide to Clinical StrategiesEllen F. Wachtel and Paul L. Wachtel
Psychodynamic Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa and BulimiaEdited by Craig L. Johnson
Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic: A Journal for the Mental Health Professions
Editor: Eric Storch, PhD
Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Baylor College of Medicine

Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Baylor College of Medicine
The Psychoanalytic Review: The Official Journal of the National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis
Interim Editor: Aleksandra Wagner, PhD

Psychodynamic Psychiatry: The Official Journal of The American Academy of Psychodynamic Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis
Editors: César A. Alfonso, MD, Columbia University and Jennifer I. Downey, MD, Columbia University