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Spectrum of Independence: How to Teach Your Neurodiverse Child Daily Life Skills
Kristin Lombardi and Christine Drew
Foreword by Peter F. Gerhardt

Foreword by Peter F. Gerhardt

Order all 5 items for $108.95, instead of $149.90 if bought separately!
Smart but Scattered: Second Edition: The Revolutionary Executive Skills Approach to Helping Kids Reach Their Potential
Peg Dawson, Richard Guare, and Colin Guare

The Mindful Way through Depression: Second Edition: Freeing Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness
Mark Williams, John Teasdale, Zindel Segal, and Jon Kabat-Zinn

Order all 3 items for $76.95, instead of $102.90 if bought separately!
Mindful Self-Compassion for Burnout: Tools to Help You Heal and Recharge When You're Wrung Out by Stress
Kristin Neff and Christopher Germer

8 Ways to Hope: Charting a Path through Uncertain TimesWilliam R. Miller

Order all 3 items for $114.95, instead of $157.95 if bought separately!

Order both items for $57.95, instead of $76.95 if bought separately!

Order both items for $42.95, instead of $56.95 if bought separately!
Getting Past the Affair: Second Edition: A Program to Help You Cope, Heal, and Move On—Together or ApartDouglas K. Snyder, Kristina Coop Gordon, and Donald H. Baucom
The Anxiety and Worry Workbook: Second Edition: The Cognitive Behavioral SolutionDavid A. Clark and Aaron T. Beck

Order both items for $60.95, instead of $83.95 if bought separately!
Getting Unstuck from PTSD: Using Cognitive Processing Therapy to Guide Your RecoveryPatricia A. Resick, Shannon Wiltsey Stirman, and Stefanie T. LoSavio