New Titles:
All Titles:
Handbook of Self-Enhancement and Self-ProtectionEdited by Mark D. Alicke and Constantine Sedikides
Interpersonal CognitionEdited by Mark W. Baldwin
Emotion and ConsciousnessEdited by Lisa Feldman Barrett, Paula M. Niedenthal, and Piotr Winkielman
The Wisdom in Feeling: Psychological Processes in Emotional IntelligenceEdited by Lisa Feldman Barrett and Peter Salovey
Foreword by John D. Mayer
Foreword by John D. Mayer
Handbook of Emotions: Fourth EditionEdited by Lisa Feldman Barrett, Michael Lewis, and Jeannette M. Haviland-Jones
The Psychological Construction of EmotionEdited by Lisa Feldman Barrett and James A. Russell
Afterword by Joseph E. LeDoux
Afterword by Joseph E. LeDoux
The Self Explained: Why and How We Become Who We AreRoy F. Baumeister
Breaking Hearts: The Two Sides of Unrequited LoveRoy F. Baumeister and Sara R. Wotman
Intensive Longitudinal Methods: An Introduction to Diary and Experience Sampling ResearchNiall Bolger and Jean-Philippe Laurenceau
Psychological Science and the LawEdited by Neil Brewer and Amy Bradfield Douglass
Handbook of Mindfulness: Second Edition: Theory, Research, and Practice
Edited by Kirk Warren Brown, J. David Creswell, and Richard M. Ryan

Emotional Development across the LifespanLinda A. Camras
Biology of Personality and Individual DifferencesEdited by Turhan Canli
Dual-Process Theories in Social PsychologyEdited by Shelly Chaiken and Yaacov Trope
Handbook of Cultural Psychology: Second EditionEdited by Dov Cohen and Shinobu Kitayama
The Thinking Girl's Guide to the Right Guy: How Knowing Yourself Can Help You Navigate Dating, Hookups, and LoveJoanne Davila and Kaycee Lashman
Handbook of Language Analysis in PsychologyEdited by Morteza Dehghani and Ryan L. Boyd
Social Cognition: The Official Journal of the International Social Cognition Network
Editor: Keith Maddox, PhD
Tufts University

Tufts University
The Science of Subjective Well-BeingEdited by Michael Eid and Randy J. Larsen