New Titles:
All Titles:
Your Defiant Teen: Second Edition: 10 Steps to Resolve Conflict and Rebuild Your RelationshipRussell A. Barkley and Arthur L. Robin
With Christine M. Benton
With Christine M. Benton
12 Principles for Raising a Child with ADHDRussell A. Barkley
Your Defiant Child: Second Edition: Eight Steps to Better BehaviorRussell A. Barkley and Christine M. Benton
Hiperactivo, Impulsivo, Distraído ¿Me conoces?: Tercera edición: Guía Acerca del Déficit Atencional (TDAH) Para Padres, Maestros y ProfesionalesJosé J. Bauermeister
Foreword by Russell A. Barkley
Foreword by Russell A. Barkley
What Science Tells Us about Autism Spectrum Disorder: Making the Right Choices for Your ChildRaphael A. Bernier, Geraldine Dawson, and Joel T. Nigg
Bright Kids Who Can't Keep Up: Help Your Child Overcome Slow Processing Speed and Succeed in a Fast-Paced WorldEllen Braaten and Brian Willoughby
Straight Talk about Psychological Testing for KidsEllen Braaten and Gretchen Felopulos
Bright Kids Who Couldn't Care Less: How to Rekindle Your Child's MotivationEllen Braaten
Foreword by Sheryl Sandberg
Foreword by Sheryl Sandberg
Smart but Scattered: Second Edition: The Revolutionary Executive Skills Approach to Helping Kids Reach Their Potential
Peg Dawson, Richard Guare, and Colin Guare

Expecting Mindfully: Nourish Your Emotional Well-Being and Prevent Depression during Pregnancy and PostpartumSona Dimidjian and Sherryl H. Goodman
Foreword by Samantha Meltzer-Brody
Audio Meditations by Sharon Salzberg
Foreword by Samantha Meltzer-Brody
Audio Meditations by Sharon Salzberg
The Activity Kit for Babies and Toddlers at Risk: How to Use Everyday Routines to Build Social and Communication SkillsDeborah Fein, Molly Helt, Lynn Brennan, and Marianne Barton
Raising a Moody Child: How to Cope with Depression and Bipolar DisorderMary A. Fristad and Jill S. Goldberg Arnold
The Organized Child: An Effective Program to Maximize Your Kid's Potential—in School and in LifeRichard Gallagher, Elana G. Spira, and Jennifer L. Rosenblatt
Screen-Smart Parenting: How to Find Balance and Benefit in Your Child's Use of Social Media, Apps, and Digital DevicesJodi Gold
Foreword by Tory Burch
Foreword by Tory Burch
Smart but Scattered Teens: The "Executive Skills" Program for Helping Teens Reach Their PotentialRichard Guare, Peg Dawson, and Colin Guare
Smart but Scattered—and Stalled: 10 Steps to Help Young Adults Use Their Executive Skills to Set Goals, Make a Plan, and Successfully Leave the NestRichard Guare, Colin Guare, and Peg Dawson
Fighting Back: What an Olympic Champion's Story Can Teach Us about Recognizing and Preventing Child Sexual Abuse—and Helping Kids RecoverKayla Harrison, Cynthia S. Kaplan, and Blaise Aguirre