New Titles:
All Titles:
Your Defiant Teen: Second Edition: 10 Steps to Resolve Conflict and Rebuild Your RelationshipRussell A. Barkley and Arthur L. Robin
With Christine M. Benton
With Christine M. Benton
Your Defiant Child: Second Edition: Eight Steps to Better BehaviorRussell A. Barkley and Christine M. Benton
Worry Less, Live More: The Mindful Way through Anxiety WorkbookSusan M. Orsillo and Lizabeth Roemer
White Bears and Other Unwanted Thoughts: Suppression, Obsession, and the Psychology of Mental ControlDaniel M. Wegner
When Someone You Love Suffers from Posttraumatic Stress: What to Expect and What You Can DoClaudia Zayfert and Jason C. DeViva
What Works for Bipolar Kids: Help and Hope for ParentsMani Pavuluri
Foreword by Susan Resko
Foreword by Susan Resko
What Science Tells Us about Autism Spectrum Disorder: Making the Right Choices for Your ChildRaphael A. Bernier, Geraldine Dawson, and Joel T. Nigg
Weight, Sex, and Marriage: A Delicate BalanceRichard B. Stuart and Barbara Jacobson
The Thinking Girl's Guide to the Right Guy: How Knowing Yourself Can Help You Navigate Dating, Hookups, and LoveJoanne Davila and Kaycee Lashman
The Tantrum Survival Guide: Tune In to Your Toddler's Mind (and Your Own) to Calm the Craziness and Make Family Fun AgainRebecca Schrag Hershberg
Foreword by Daniel J. Siegel
Foreword by Daniel J. Siegel
Taking Charge of Adult ADHD: Second Edition: Proven Strategies to Succeed at Work, at Home, and in RelationshipsRussell A. Barkley
With Christine M. Benton
With Christine M. Benton
Straight Talk about Psychological Testing for KidsEllen Braaten and Gretchen Felopulos
Straight Talk about Psychiatric Medications for Kids: Fourth EditionTimothy E. Wilens and Paul G. Hammerness
Straight Talk about ADHD in Girls: How to Help Your Daughter ThriveStephen P. Hinshaw
Spectrum of Independence: How to Teach Your Neurodiverse Child Daily Life Skills
Kristin Lombardi and Christine Drew
Foreword by Peter F. Gerhardt

Foreword by Peter F. Gerhardt
SparkPatricia Leavy
Smart but Scattered—and Stalled: 10 Steps to Help Young Adults Use Their Executive Skills to Set Goals, Make a Plan, and Successfully Leave the NestRichard Guare, Colin Guare, and Peg Dawson