Working with Emotions in PsychotherapyLeslie S. Greenberg and Sandra C. Paivio
Women's Growth In Connection: Writings from the Stone CenterJudith V. Jordan, Alexandra G. Kaplan, Irene P. Stiver, Janet L. Surrey, and Jean Baker Miller
The Wisdom in Feeling: Psychological Processes in Emotional IntelligenceEdited by Lisa Feldman Barrett and Peter Salovey
Foreword by John D. Mayer
Foreword by John D. Mayer
Validity Assessment in Clinical Neuropsychological Practice: Evaluating and Managing Noncredible PerformanceEdited by Ryan W. Schroeder and Phillip K. Martin
Treating Traumatic Stress in Children and Adolescents: Second Edition: How to Foster Resilience through Attachment, Self-Regulation, and CompetencyMargaret E. Blaustein and Kristine M. Kinniburgh
Treating Military ClientsGuilford recognizes the growing need for mental health resources directly addressing the unique experiences of active duty service members, veterans, and their families.
Teaching Mindfulness Skills to Kids and TeensEdited by Christopher Willard and Amy Saltzman
Foreword by Susan Kaiser Greenland
Foreword by Susan Kaiser Greenland
Supplementary Materials for El control de tu estado de ánimo: Segunda ediciónRecursos en internet para los compradores de El control de tu estado de ánimo, 2.a edición, por Dennis Greenberger y Christine A. Padesky.
Sports Neuropsychology: Assessment and Management of Traumatic Brain InjuryEdited by Ruben J. Echemendía
Social and Emotional Skills Training for Children: The Fast Track Friendship Group ManualKaren L. Bierman, Mark T. Greenberg, John D. Coie, Kenneth A. Dodge, John E. Lochman, and Robert J. McMahon
Shame and GuiltJune Price Tangney and Ronda L. Dearing
The Self-Conscious Emotions: Theory and ResearchEdited by Jessica L. Tracy, Richard W. Robins, and June Price Tangney
Foreword by Joseph J. Campos
Foreword by Joseph J. Campos
Seeking Safety: A Treatment Manual for PTSD and Substance AbuseLisa M. Najavits
Screen-Smart Parenting: How to Find Balance and Benefit in Your Child's Use of Social Media, Apps, and Digital DevicesJodi Gold
Foreword by Tory Burch
Foreword by Tory Burch
Right-Wing Populism in America: Too Close for ComfortChip Berlet and Matthew N. Lyons
Psychotherapy with Infants and Young Children: Repairing the Effects of Stress and Trauma on Early AttachmentAlicia F. Lieberman and Patricia Van Horn
The Psychotherapy of Carl Rogers: Cases and CommentaryEdited by Barry A. Farber, Debora C. Brink, and Patricia M. Raskin