Featured Author - Julian D. FordCheck out a Q&A with our featured author, Julian D. Ford
Featured Author - Sarah Kate BearmanCheck out a Q&A with our featured author, Sarah Kate Bearman
Featured Author - Thomas F. HarrisonCheck out a Q&A with our featured author, Thomas F. Harrison
Featured Authors - David A. JobesCheck out a Q&A with our featured author, David A. Jobes
Featured Authors - Melanie S. HarnedCheck out a Q&A with our featured author, Melanie S. Harned
Feminist Perspectives on Eating DisordersEdited by Patricia Fallon, Melanie A. Katzman, and Susan C. Wooley
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Geriatric Depression: A Clinical GuideGary J. Kennedy
Grounding Psychotherapy in Self-Compassion
Edited by Galia Tyano Ronen and Shari Geller
Foreword by Steven C. Hayes

Foreword by Steven C. Hayes
Group Approaches to Treating Traumatic Stress: A Clinical HandbookEdited by Josef I. Ruzek, Matthew M. Yalch, and Kristine M. Burkman
Handbook of Applied Behavior Analysis: Second EditionEdited by Wayne W. Fisher, Cathleen C. Piazza, and Henry S. Roane
Handbook of Assessment and Treatment Planning for Psychological Disorders: Third EditionEdited by Martin M. Antony and David H. Barlow
Handbook of Experiential PsychotherapyEdited by Leslie S. Greenberg, Jeanne C. Watson, and Germain O. Lietaer
Handbook of Infant Mental Health: Fourth EditionEdited by Charles H. Zeanah, Jr.
Handbook of Learning Disabilities: Second EditionEdited by H. Lee Swanson, Karen R. Harris, and Steve Graham
Handbook of Obesity Treatment: Second EditionEdited by Thomas A. Wadden and George A. Bray
Handbook of Pediatric Psychology: Fifth EditionEdited by Michael C. Roberts and Ric G. Steele
Handbook of Psychodynamic Approaches to PsychopathologyEdited by Patrick Luyten, Linda C. Mayes, Peter Fonagy, Mary Target, and Sidney J. Blatt
Handbook of PTSD: Third Edition: Science and PracticeEdited by Matthew J. Friedman, Paula P. Schnurr, and Terence M. Keane
Handbook of Treatment for Eating Disorders: Second EditionEdited by David M. Garner and Paul E. Garfinkel
Help Your Teenager Beat an Eating Disorder: Second EditionJames Lock and Daniel Le Grange
Helping the Noncompliant Child: Second Edition: Family-Based Treatment for Oppositional BehaviorRobert J. McMahon and Rex L. Forehand