Acceptance-Based Behavioral Therapy: Treating Anxiety and Related ChallengesLizabeth Roemer and Susan M. Orsillo
Grounding Psychotherapy in Self-Compassion
Edited by Galia Tyano Ronen and Shari Geller
Foreword by Steven C. Hayes

Foreword by Steven C. Hayes
Narcissistic Personality DisorderEdited by Elsa Ronningstam
Case Studies in Sex TherapyEdited by Raymond C. Rosen and Sandra R. Leiblum
What Works for Whom?: Second Edition: A Critical Review of Psychotherapy ResearchAnthony Roth and Peter Fonagy
With Contributions from Glenys Parry, Mary Target, and Robert Woods
With Contributions from Glenys Parry, Mary Target, and Robert Woods
Treating Suicidal Behavior: An Effective, Time-Limited ApproachM. David Rudd, Thomas E. Joiner, and M. Hasan Rajab
Effective Psychotherapy for Individuals with Brain InjuryRonald M. Ruff and Serana K. Chester
Group Approaches to Treating Traumatic Stress: A Clinical HandbookEdited by Josef I. Ruzek, Matthew M. Yalch, and Kristine M. Burkman
Treating Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Evidence-Based Strategies, Tools, and TechniquesJayne L. Rygh and William C. Sanderson
Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Binge Eating and BulimiaDebra L. Safer, Christy F. Telch, and Eunice Y. Chen
Foreword by Marsha M. Linehan
Foreword by Marsha M. Linehan
The DBT Solution for Emotional Eating: A Proven Program to Break the Cycle of Bingeing and Out-of-Control EatingDebra L. Safer, Sarah Adler, and Philip C. Masson
Mindful Movement in PsychotherapyPaul Salmon
Treating Parent-Infant Relationship Problems: Strategies for InterventionEdited by Arnold J. Sameroff, Susan C. McDonough, and Katherine L. Rosenblum
Neuroticism: A New Framework for Emotional Disorders and Their TreatmentShannon Sauer-Zavala and David H. Barlow
CBT for Children and Adolescents with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum DisordersEdited by Angela Scarpa, Susan Williams White, and Tony Attwood
Treating PTSD in Preschoolers: A Clinical GuideMichael S. Scheeringa
Assessment and Treatment of Childhood Problems: Third Edition: A Clinician's GuideCarolyn S. Schroeder and Julianne M. Smith-Boydston
Internal Family Systems Therapy: Second EditionRichard C. Schwartz and Martha Sweezy
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression: Second EditionZindel Segal, Mark Williams, and John Teasdale
Foreword by Jon Kabat-Zinn
Foreword by Jon Kabat-Zinn
Treating the Tough Adolescent: A Family-Based, Step-by-Step GuideScott P. Sells
Foreword by Jay Haley and Neil Schiff
Foreword by Jay Haley and Neil Schiff
Mentalizing in Psychotherapy: A Guide for PractitionersCarla Sharp and Dickon Bevington
Foreword by Peter Fonagy
Foreword by Peter Fonagy
What Happens in Couple Therapy: A Casebook on Effective Practice
Edited by Douglas K. Snyder and Jay L. Lebow

Treating Difficult Couples: Helping Clients with Coexisting Mental and Relationship DisordersEdited by Douglas K. Snyder and Mark A. Whisman