Women's Mental Health: A Comprehensive TextbookEdited by Susan G. Kornstein and Anita H. Clayton
Multifamily Groups in the Treatment of Severe Psychiatric DisordersWilliam R. McFarlane
Foreword by Harriet P. Lefley
Afterword by C. Christian Beels
Foreword by Harriet P. Lefley
Afterword by C. Christian Beels
Treatment Planning in Psychotherapy: Taking the Guesswork Out of Clinical CareSheila R. Woody, Jerusha Detweiler-Bedell, Bethany A. Teachman, and Todd O'Hearn
Treating Suicidal Behavior: An Effective, Time-Limited ApproachM. David Rudd, Thomas E. Joiner, and M. Hasan Rajab
Treating the Tough Adolescent: A Family-Based, Step-by-Step GuideScott P. Sells
Foreword by Jay Haley and Neil Schiff
Foreword by Jay Haley and Neil Schiff
Treating Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Evidence-Based Strategies, Tools, and TechniquesJayne L. Rygh and William C. Sanderson
Treating Health Anxiety: A Cognitive-Behavioral ApproachSteven Taylor and Gordon J. G. Asmundson
Multicultural and Multilingual Literacy and Language: Contexts and PracticesEdited by Fenice B. Boyd, Cynthia H. Brock, and Mary S. Rozendal
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies with Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual ClientsChristopher R. Martell, Steven A. Safren, and Stacey E. Prince
Treating Difficult Couples: Helping Clients with Coexisting Mental and Relationship DisordersEdited by Douglas K. Snyder and Mark A. Whisman
Treating Affect Phobia: A Manual for Short-Term Dynamic PsychotherapyLeigh McCullough, Nat Kuhn, Stuart Andrews, Amelia Kaplan, Jonathan Wolf, and Cara Lanza Hurley
Psychopathy: Antisocial, Criminal, and Violent BehaviorEdited by Theodore Millon, Erik Simonsen, Roger D. Davis, and Morten Birket-Smith
Treating the Self: Elements of Clinical Self PsychologyErnest S. Wolf
Treating the Trauma of Rape: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for PTSDEdna B. Foa and Barbara Olasov Rothbaum
Skills Training Manual for Diagnosing and Treating Chronic Depression: Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of PsychotherapyJames P. McCullough, Jr.
Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: The Brain-Gut ConnectionBrenda B. Toner, Zindel Segal, Shelagh D. Emmott, and David Myran
Handbook of Experiential PsychotherapyEdited by Leslie S. Greenberg, Jeanne C. Watson, and Germain O. Lietaer
The Abused Child: Psychodynamic Understanding and TreatmentToni Vaughn Heineman