Treating Traumatic Stress and Substance Misuse: A Guide to Integrative Practice
Denise Hien and Lisa Caren Litt

Supplementary Materials for Treating Traumatic Stress and Substance MisuseWe are pleased to offer supplementary materials to accompany Treating Traumatic Stress and Substance Misuse: A Guide to Integrative Practice, by Denise Hien and Lisa Caren Litt.
Cognitive Therapy of Depression: Second EditionAaron T. Beck, A. John Rush, Brian F. Shaw, Gary Emery, Robert J. DeRubeis, and Steven D. Hollon
Foreword by David M. Clark
Foreword by David M. Clark
Treating Substance Abuse: Third Edition: Theory and TechniqueEdited by Scott T. Walters and Frederick Rotgers
Treating Sleep Problems: A Transdiagnostic ApproachAllison G. Harvey and Daniel J. Buysse
Straight Talk about Psychiatric Medications for Kids: Fourth EditionTimothy E. Wilens and Paul G. Hammerness
Treating OCD in Children and Adolescents: A Cognitive-Behavioral ApproachMartin E. Franklin, Jennifer B. Freeman, and John S. March

Order both items for $89.95, instead of $123.00 if bought separately!

Order both items for $87.95, instead of $119.00 if bought separately!

Order both items for $78.95, instead of $105.00 if bought separately!
Acceptance-Based Behavioral Therapy: Treating Anxiety and Related ChallengesLizabeth Roemer and Susan M. Orsillo
Supplementary Materials for Acceptance-Based Behavioral TherapyWe are pleased to offer supplementary resources for Acceptance-Based Behavioral Therapy: Treating Anxiety and Related Challenges, by Lizabeth Roemer and Susan M. Orsillo.
Group Approaches to Treating Traumatic Stress: A Clinical HandbookEdited by Josef I. Ruzek, Matthew M. Yalch, and Kristine M. Burkman
Emotional and Behavioral Problems of Young Children: Second Edition: Effective Interventions in the Preschool and Kindergarten YearsMelissa L. Holland, Jessica Hawks, and Gretchen Gimpel Peacock
Prescriptive Play Therapy: Tailoring Interventions for Specific Childhood ProblemsEdited by Heidi Gerard Kaduson, Donna Cangelosi, and Charles E. Schaefer
Featured Author - Julian D. FordCheck out a Q&A with our featured author, Julian D. Ford
Treating Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Evidence-Based Strategies, Tools, and TechniquesJayne L. Rygh and William C. Sanderson
Treating Health Anxiety: A Cognitive-Behavioral ApproachSteven Taylor and Gordon J. G. Asmundson
Treatment of Complex Trauma: A Sequenced, Relationship-Based ApproachChristine A. Courtois and Julian D. Ford
Foreword by John Briere
Foreword by John Briere
Supplementary Materials for Treatment of Complex TraumaWe are pleased to offer downloadable reflection questions for clinicians and extensive listings of professional and self-help resources to accompany Treatment of Complex Trauma: A Sequenced, Relationship-Based...