Attachment Theory Expanded: Security Dynamics in Individuals, Dyads, Groups, and SocietiesMario Mikulincer and Phillip R. Shaver

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Child Development: Fourth Edition: A Practitioner's GuideDouglas Davies and Michael F. Troy
The Circle of Security Intervention: Enhancing Attachment in Early Parent-Child RelationshipsBert Powell, Glen Cooper, Kent Hoffman, and Bob Marvin
Foreword by Charles H. Zeanah, Jr.
Foreword by Charles H. Zeanah, Jr.

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Collaborative Case Conceptualization: Working Effectively with Clients in Cognitive-Behavioral TherapyWillem Kuyken, Christine A. Padesky, and Robert Dudley
The Complexity of Connection: Writings from the Stone Center's Jean Baker Miller Training InstituteEdited by Judith V. Jordan, Maureen Walker, and Linda M. Hartling
Counseling Cops: What Clinicians Need to KnowEllen Kirschman, Mark Kamena, and Joel Fay
Foreword by Ellen Scrivner
Foreword by Ellen Scrivner
COVID-19: Psychological Research from 2020 on the Emerging PandemicEdited by The Guilford Press
Creative Arts and Play Therapy
Series Edited by Cathy A. Malchiodi and David A. Crenshaw
This series highlights action-oriented therapeutic approaches that utilize art, play, music, dance/movement, drama, and related modalities. Emphasizing current best practices and research, experienced practitioners show how creative arts and play therapies...

This series highlights action-oriented therapeutic approaches that utilize art, play, music, dance/movement, drama, and related modalities. Emphasizing current best practices and research, experienced practitioners show how creative arts and play therapies...
Creative Interventions with Traumatized Children: Second EditionEdited by Cathy A. Malchiodi
Foreword by Bruce D. Perry
Foreword by Bruce D. Perry
The Development of Emotional CompetenceCarolyn Saarni
Early Intervention for Trauma and Traumatic LossEdited by Brett T. Litz
Enhancing Attachment and Reflective Parenting in Clinical Practice: A Minding the Baby ApproachArietta Slade
With Lois S. Sadler, Tanika Eaves, and Denise L. Webb
With Lois S. Sadler, Tanika Eaves, and Denise L. Webb
Facilitating Resilience and Recovery Following TraumaEdited by Lori A. Zoellner and Norah C. Feeny
Family-Based Therapy for Latine Adolescents: The CIFFTA Model
Daniel A. Santisteban, Maite P. Mena, and David Santisteban

Featured Author - Daniel J. SiegelCheck out a Q&A with our featured author, Daniel J. Siegel
Featured Author - Nancy Boyd-FranklinCheck out a Q&A with our featured author, Nancy Boyd-Franklin
Featured Authors - Kristin NeffCheck out a Q&A with our featured author, Kristin Neff
Five Ways of Doing Qualitative Analysis: Phenomenological Psychology, Grounded Theory, Discourse Analysis, Narrative Research, and Intuitive InquiryFrederick J. Wertz, Kathy Charmaz, Linda M. McMullen, Ruthellen Josselson, Rosemarie Anderson, and Emalinda McSpadden
Guiding Families through Transitions: A Life Cycle Approach to Clinical Practice
Todd M. Edwards, JoEllen Patterson, and James L. Griffith