Featured Author - Susan M. JohnsonCheck out a Q&A with our featured author, Susan M. Johnson
Featured Author - Vittorio LingiardiCheck out a Q&A with our featured author, Vittorio Lingiardi!
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Featured Authors - Patricia A. ResickCheck out a Q&A with our featured author, Patricia A. Resick
Featured Authors - Stephen RollnickCheck out a Q&A with our featured author, Stephen Rollnick
Featured Authors - Steven D. HollonCheck out a Q&A with our featured author, Steven D. Hollon
Fighting Back: What an Olympic Champion's Story Can Teach Us about Recognizing and Preventing Child Sexual Abuse—and Helping Kids RecoverKayla Harrison, Cynthia S. Kaplan, and Blaise Aguirre
Gender and PTSDEdited by Rachel Kimerling, Paige Ouimette, and Jessica Wolfe
Getting Over OCD: Second Edition: A 10-Step Workbook for Taking Back Your LifeJonathan S. Abramowitz
Getting Unstuck from PTSD: Using Cognitive Processing Therapy to Guide Your RecoveryPatricia A. Resick, Shannon Wiltsey Stirman, and Stefanie T. LoSavio

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Grandparents as Parents: Second Edition: A Survival Guide for Raising a Second FamilySylvie de Toledo and Deborah Edler Brown
Grounding Psychotherapy in Self-Compassion
Edited by Galia Tyano Ronen and Shari Geller
Foreword by Steven C. Hayes

Foreword by Steven C. Hayes
Group Approaches to Treating Traumatic Stress: A Clinical HandbookEdited by Josef I. Ruzek, Matthew M. Yalch, and Kristine M. Burkman
Group Trauma Treatment in Early Recovery: Promoting Safety and Self-CareJudith Lewis Herman, Diya Kallivayalil, and Members of the Victims of Violence Program
The Guilford Living Well Series
The Guilford Living Well Series is designed to help individuals with common psychological conditions solve everyday problems and optimize their quality of life. Readers get specific, empathic advice for stress-proofing daily routines; navigating work...