Normal Family Processes: Fourth Edition: Growing Diversity and ComplexityEdited by Froma Walsh
Handbook of Wise Interventions: How Social Psychology Can Help People ChangeEdited by Gregory M. Walton and Alia J. Crum
Helping Students Overcome Social Anxiety: Skills for Academic and Social Success (SASS)Carrie Masia Warner, Daniela Colognori, and Chelsea Lynch
Helping At-Risk Students: Second Edition: A Group Counseling Approach for Grades 6-9Jill Waterman and Elizabeth Walker
Working with Traumatized Youth in Child WelfareEdited by Nancy Boyd Webb
Play Therapy with Children and Adolescents in Crisis: Fourth EditionEdited by Nancy Boyd Webb
Foreword by Lenore C. Terr
Foreword by Lenore C. Terr
Principle-Guided Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents: The FIRST Program for Behavioral and Emotional ProblemsJohn R. Weisz and Sarah Kate Bearman
Metacognitive Therapy for Anxiety and DepressionAdrian Wells
The Human AmygdalaEdited by Paul J. Whalen and Elizabeth A. Phelps
Adapting Cognitive Therapy for Depression: Managing Complexity and ComorbidityEdited by Mark A. Whisman
Cognitive Therapy for Depressed AdolescentsT.C.R. Wilkes, Gayle Belsher, A. John Rush, Ellen Frank, and Associates
Foreword by Aaron T. Beck
Foreword by Aaron T. Beck
Teaching Mindfulness Skills to Kids and TeensEdited by Christopher Willard and Amy Saltzman
Foreword by Susan Kaiser Greenland
Foreword by Susan Kaiser Greenland
Treating Somatic Symptoms in Children and AdolescentsSara E. Williams and Nicole E. Zahka
Memory Rehabilitation: Integrating Theory and PracticeBarbara A. Wilson
Foreword by Elizabeth L. Glisky
Foreword by Elizabeth L. Glisky
Assessing Psychological Trauma and PTSD: Second EditionEdited by John P. Wilson and Terence M. Keane
Treating Psychological Trauma and PTSDEdited by John P. Wilson, Matthew J. Friedman, and Jacob D. Lindy
Countertransference in the Treatment of PTSDEdited by John P. Wilson and Jacob D. Lindy
Treating Impulsive, Addictive, and Self-Destructive Behaviors: Mindfulness and Modification TherapyPeggilee Wupperman
Foreword by Robert L. Leahy
Foreword by Robert L. Leahy
Assessment of Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence: Fifth EditionEdited by Eric A. Youngstrom, Mitchell J. Prinstein, Eric J. Mash, and Russell A. Barkley
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for PTSD: Second Edition: A Case Formulation ApproachClaudia Zayfert and Carolyn Black Becker
When Someone You Love Suffers from Posttraumatic Stress: What to Expect and What You Can DoClaudia Zayfert and Jason C. DeViva
Handbook of Infant Mental Health: Fourth EditionEdited by Charles H. Zeanah, Jr.
Handbook of TemperamentEdited by Marcel Zentner and Rebecca L. Shiner