Featured Authors - Kenneth I. Pargament and Julie J. ExlineCheck out a Q&A with our featured authors, Kenneth I. Pargament and Julie J. Exline
Featured Authors - Stephen RollnickCheck out a Q&A with our featured author, Stephen Rollnick
Featured Authors - Steven D. HollonCheck out a Q&A with our featured author, Steven D. Hollon
Supplementary Materials for Treating Somatic Symptoms in Children and AdolescentsWe are pleased to offer supplementary materials to accompany Treating Somatic Symptoms in Children and Adolescents, by Sara E. Williams and Nicole E. Zahka.
Treatment Plans and Interventions for Evidence-Based Psychotherapy Series
Series Edited by Robert L. Leahy
Each volume in this practical series synthesizes current information on a particular disorder or clinical population; shows practitioners how to develop specific, tailored treatment plans; and describes interventions proven to promote behavior change...

Each volume in this practical series synthesizes current information on a particular disorder or clinical population; shows practitioners how to develop specific, tailored treatment plans; and describes interventions proven to promote behavior change...
Handbook of Evidence-Based Practices for Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: Applications in SchoolsEdited by Hill M. Walker and Frank M. Gresham
Prologue by James M. Kauffman
Prologue by James M. Kauffman
Latino Families in Therapy: Second EditionCelia Jaes Falicov
Reconcilable Differences: Second Edition: Rebuild Your Relationship by Rediscovering the Partner You Love—without Losing YourselfAndrew Christensen, Brian D. Doss, and Neil S. Jacobson
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy with Couples and Families: A Comprehensive Guide for CliniciansFrank M. Dattilio
Foreword by Aaron T. Beck
Foreword by Aaron T. Beck
Grandparents as Parents: Second Edition: A Survival Guide for Raising a Second FamilySylvie de Toledo and Deborah Edler Brown
Collaborative Case Conceptualization: Working Effectively with Clients in Cognitive-Behavioral TherapyWillem Kuyken, Christine A. Padesky, and Robert Dudley
Living Well on the Spectrum: How to Use Your Strengths to Meet the Challenges of Asperger Syndrome/High-Functioning AutismValerie L. Gaus
Foreword by Stephen Shore
Foreword by Stephen Shore
Cognitive Therapy for Adolescents in School SettingsTorrey A. Creed, Jarrod Reisweber, and Aaron T. Beck
The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series
Series Edited by Sandra M. Chafouleas
This series presents the most reader-friendly resources available in key areas of evidence-based practice in school settings. Practitioners will find trustworthy guides on effective behavioral, mental health, and academic interventions, and assessment...

This series presents the most reader-friendly resources available in key areas of evidence-based practice in school settings. Practitioners will find trustworthy guides on effective behavioral, mental health, and academic interventions, and assessment...
Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Borderline Personality DisorderMarsha M. Linehan
Working with Families of the Poor: Second EditionPatricia Minuchin, Jorge Colapinto, and Salvador Minuchin
Treating Addicted Survivors of TraumaKatie Evans and J. Michael Sullivan
Treating Borderline Personality Disorder: The Dialectical Approach
Marsha M. Linehan
Produced by Dawkins Productions

Produced by Dawkins Productions
Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder: The Dialectical Approach
Marsha M. Linehan
Produced by Dawkins Productions

Produced by Dawkins Productions
Interpersonal CognitionEdited by Mark W. Baldwin
Attachment Processes in Couple and Family TherapyEdited by Susan M. Johnson and Valerie E. Whiffen