Product Cover

ADHD in Adults

Russell A. Barkley
Produced by Dawkins Productions

August 7, 2006
ISBN 9781593853891
Price: $110.00
28 Pages
36-Minute DVD + 28-Page Manual + Leader's Guide

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From leading ADHD authority Dr. Russell A. Barkley, this instructive program integrates information about ADHD with the experiences of adults from different walks of life who suffer from the disorder. Including interviews with these individuals, their family members, and the clinicians who treat them, the program addresses such important topics as the symptoms and behaviors that are characteristic of the disorder, how adult ADHD differs from the childhood form, the effects of ADHD on the family, and successful coping strategies. Approaches to adult diagnosis and treatment are explained in detail. Dr. Barkley also describes his innovative theory of ADHD, which offers insights into why people with the disorder have so much difficulty making adjustments in their lives. The accompanying manual serves as a quick-reference guide to the material presented and includes suggested reading lists for professionals and consumers.Running time: 36 minutes; includes 28-page manual plus leader's guide.