Active Participation
Getting Them All Engaged: Elementary Level
Anita L. Archer
4-DVD Set
4-DVD Set
orderSeptember 11, 2014
ISBN 9781599090535
Price: $450.00
Overview of the Active Participation Inservice: Introduction, Anita L. Archer (5:49)
Session 1: Introduction to Active Participation (38:52)
Session 2: Teaching Active Participation to Students (30:59)
Session 3: Structured Choral Responses (25:02)
Session 4: Partner Responses Part 1 (36:40)
Session 5: Partner Responses Part 2 (19:45)
Session 6: Individual Responses (27:21)
Session 7: Putting It Together (Choral, Partner, and Individual Responses) (32:21)
Session 8: Written and Action Responses (35:29)
Session 9: Passage Reading (37:54)
Session 10: Summing It All Up (28:38)