Check-In, Check-Out
Second Edition
A Tier 2 Intervention for Students at Risk
Leanne S. Hawken and Kimberli Breen
DVDDownloadable Video
orderFebruary 6, 2017
ISBN 9781462524587
Price: $65.00 27-Minute Main Video + Supplementary Videos/Materials
Downloadable Video
orderFebruary 2, 2024
ISBN 9781462555130
Price: $65.00 27-Minute Main Video + Supplementary Videos/Materials
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“The second edition of the CICO DVD program provides an updated description of the logic and day-to-day operations of CICO. Of special value is the emphasis on how CICO can be adapted for use at elementary, middle, and high school levels. The messages from teachers, administrators, and students are compelling, and supplement the research base. School personnel considering CICO will benefit from seeing what the program looks like, how the data function as a positive element in the school day, and how teacher teams can work to address emerging problem behavior patterns early.”

—Robert H. Horner, PhD, Special Education Program (Emeritus), University of Oregon
“The use of CICO has expanded exponentially in schools throughout the United States and internationally, and its effectiveness has been demonstrated with a range of behavior problems. This updated DVD offers step-by-step instructions for implementing CICO, from aligning it within a multi-tiered support system to summarizing data. It is a complete resource for training school or program staff to implement CICO. Examples of dos and don'ts illustrate how to make the intervention most effective and efficient. After watching this DVD, school staff will have an understanding of how to seamlessly and feasibly blend CICO with ongoing systems of support in their schools. I will definitely use this DVD in my Positive Behavior Support class.”

—Lee Kern, PhD, College of Education, Lehigh University
“Educators who recognize the importance of positive school climate will welcome the CICO DVD. The video program can be used as a component of training workshops or staff meetings or to enhance individual teachers' understanding of CICO. The second edition has a practical and easy-to-follow format that describes the program’s core features, with adaptations for addressing internalizing behaviors or attendance. School leadership teams will find useful information on how to embed CICO within a multi-tiered framework.”

—Steve Goodman, PhD, Director, Michigan's MTSS Technical Assistance Center
“Teachers, psychologists, and administrators who support students at risk long for tools that can assist them in implementing evidence-based practices. This superbly crafted DVD fits the bill to perfection. Detailed descriptions of CICO components, real-life illustrations, and compelling testimony by stakeholders bring to life the positive, efficient, and sustainable nature of the practice. This DVD will prove invaluable to educators leading pre- or inservice professional development and training activities.”

—Joseph M. Lucyshyn, PhD, BCBA-D, Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology and Special Education, University of British Columbia, Canada

—Robert H. Horner, PhD, Special Education Program (Emeritus), University of Oregon
“The use of CICO has expanded exponentially in schools throughout the United States and internationally, and its effectiveness has been demonstrated with a range of behavior problems. This updated DVD offers step-by-step instructions for implementing CICO, from aligning it within a multi-tiered support system to summarizing data. It is a complete resource for training school or program staff to implement CICO. Examples of dos and don'ts illustrate how to make the intervention most effective and efficient. After watching this DVD, school staff will have an understanding of how to seamlessly and feasibly blend CICO with ongoing systems of support in their schools. I will definitely use this DVD in my Positive Behavior Support class.”

—Lee Kern, PhD, College of Education, Lehigh University
“Educators who recognize the importance of positive school climate will welcome the CICO DVD. The video program can be used as a component of training workshops or staff meetings or to enhance individual teachers' understanding of CICO. The second edition has a practical and easy-to-follow format that describes the program’s core features, with adaptations for addressing internalizing behaviors or attendance. School leadership teams will find useful information on how to embed CICO within a multi-tiered framework.”

—Steve Goodman, PhD, Director, Michigan's MTSS Technical Assistance Center
“Teachers, psychologists, and administrators who support students at risk long for tools that can assist them in implementing evidence-based practices. This superbly crafted DVD fits the bill to perfection. Detailed descriptions of CICO components, real-life illustrations, and compelling testimony by stakeholders bring to life the positive, efficient, and sustainable nature of the practice. This DVD will prove invaluable to educators leading pre- or inservice professional development and training activities.”

—Joseph M. Lucyshyn, PhD, BCBA-D, Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology and Special Education, University of British Columbia, Canada