Understanding the Defiant Child
Russell A. Barkley
Produced by Dawkins Productions
orderOctober 24, 2006
ISBN 9781593854249
Price: $110.00 28 Pages
34-Minute DVD + 28-Page Manual
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Sign up for emails on upcoming titles by Russell A. Barkley (with special discounts)!
“Russell Barkley's new videotapes on children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) are a major step forward in the treatment of this difficult disability. They provide a basic understanding of ODD and proven interventions for its management. The information is practical, research validated, and very useful for clinicians, educators, and parents. A 'must' for anyone providing services to noncompliant, argumentative, and aggressive children.”

—William R. Jenson, PhD, Professor and Chair, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Utah; Author of the Tough Kid Book

—William R. Jenson, PhD, Professor and Chair, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Utah; Author of the Tough Kid Book