Case Studies in Organizational Communication 2

Second Edition
Perspectives on Contemporary Work Life

Edited by Beverly Davenport Sypher

May 10, 1997
ISBN 9781572302082
Price: $61.00
403 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"

Beverly Davenport Sypher, PhD, is Professor of Communication Studies and Divisional Dean for Social Sciences at the University of Kansas. This is the second volume of case studies that she has edited for Guilford. Her work has appeared in a variety of communication, psychology, and management journals, and she continues to focus on the kind of organizations created by the communication practices of employees. Most often she studies large-scale manufacturing organizations, but she has also helped employees of small nonprofit groups; local, state, and federal agencies, and various corporations sort out the consequences of communication choices and the possibilities of person-centered messages. Dr. Sypher is a recipient of the Speech Communication Association's Ecroyd Award for Outstanding Teaching in Higher Education and a Kemper Fellowship for Teaching Excellence at the University of Kansas.