Contemporary Rhetorical Theory
Second Edition
A Reader
Edited by Mark J. Porrovecchio and Celeste Michelle Condit
A Paperback Original
Mark J. Porrovecchio, PhD, is Director of Forensics and Associate Professor in the Department of Speech Communication at Oregon State University. He studies pragmatism and the history of speech communication and rhetoric. His work has appeared in the Western Journal of Communication, Etica & Politica, and Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society. Dr. Porrovecchio is the editor of Reengaging the Prospects of Rhetoric and author of F. C. S. Schiller and the Dawn of Pragmatism.
Celeste Michelle Condit, PhD, is Distinguished Research Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Georgia. She studies rhetorical theory and criticism, especially in the areas of feminism, racism, rhetoric of science (genetics), and health communication, and has served as coeditor of the journals Women's Studies in Communicationand Critical Studies in Media Communication. Dr. Condit is a National Communication Association Distinguished Scholar.
Celeste Michelle Condit, PhD, is Distinguished Research Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Georgia. She studies rhetorical theory and criticism, especially in the areas of feminism, racism, rhetoric of science (genetics), and health communication, and has served as coeditor of the journals Women's Studies in Communicationand Critical Studies in Media Communication. Dr. Condit is a National Communication Association Distinguished Scholar.