Creating Ethnodrama
A Theatrical Approach to Research
Joe Salvatore
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
pre-orderJuly 16, 2025
ISBN 9781462557707
Price: $83.00 276 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
pre-orderJuly 16, 2025
ISBN 9781462549856
Price: $55.00276 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
Filled with sample research questions, interview protocols, script excerpts, and staging tips, this book explains the “whats,” “whys,” and “how-tos” of using ethnodrama as a qualitative arts-based research methodology. Joe Salvatore draws on decades of experience as an ethnodramatist and educator to present his unique, ethically grounded, step-by-step approach. Readers learn how to balance artistry and research as they identify a topic and research question, recruit participants and conduct interviews, code and analyze interview data, arrange findings into a script, stage a performance, and invite an audience to view and interpret the play. Ways to assess an ethnodrama's effectiveness and impact are also addressed. Instructive features include end-of-chapter learning activities; bolded key terms and an end-of-book glossary; and suggested studies, plays, and performance pieces for further engagement.
This title is part of the Qualitative Methods "How-To" Guides series, edited by Patricia Leavy.