Data Analysis with Mplus
Christian Geiser
Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderNovember 14, 2012
ISBN 9781462502455
Price: $57.00 305 Pages
Size: 6⅛" x 9¼"
Read the Series Editor's Note by Todd D. Little
A practical introduction to using Mplus for the analysis of multivariate data, this volume provides step-by-step guidance, complete with real data examples, numerous screen shots, and output excerpts. The author shows how to prepare a data set for import in Mplus using SPSS. He explains how to specify different types of models in Mplus syntax and address typical caveats—for example, assessing measurement invariance in longitudinal SEMs. Coverage includes path and factor analytic models as well as mediational, longitudinal, multilevel, and latent class models. Specific programming tips and solution strategies are presented in boxes in each chapter. The companion website ( features data sets, annotated syntax files, and output for all of the examples. Of special utility to instructors and students, many of the examples can be run with the free demo version of Mplus.
This title is part of the Methodology in the Social Sciences Series, edited by Todd D. Little, PhD.