Developing Literacy in Preschool

Lesley Mandel Morrow

June 2, 2007
ISBN 9781593854621
Price: $33.00
231 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"

1. A Literacy-Rich Preschool Classroom

2. Research about Preschool That Informs Good Practice

3. Organizing and Managing a Literacy-Rich Preschool Environment

4. Organizing and Managing Instruction in Preschool

5. Oral Language Development in Preschool

6. Knowledge about Print

7. Comprehending and Enjoying Children's Literature

8. Writing in the Preschool Classroom



A. Glossary, Lisa Fazzi. B. Integrated Language Arts Thematic Unit, Harriet Worobey. C. Children's Literature, Lisa Fazzi and Paula Aguroso.

D. Magazines for Preschoolers, Paula Batsiyan.

E. Professional Associations, Related Publications, and Websites Dealing with Early Literacy, Kelli Dunston.