Eating Disorders and Obesity
Third Edition
A Comprehensive Handbook
Edited by Kelly D. Brownell and B. Timothy Walsh
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderMarch 3, 2017
ISBN 9781462529063
Price: $95.00 690 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
orderMarch 19, 2018
ISBN 9781462536092
Price: $63.00690 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
New to this edition:
- Reflects 15 years of important advances in both fields, including state-of-the-art intervention approaches and a growing focus on how the brain regulates eating behavior.
- Dozens of entirely new chapters.
- New topics: epigenetics, body weight and neurocognitive function, stress and emotion regulation, the gut microbiome, surgical devices for obesity, food labeling and marketing, and more.
- Expanded coverage of prevention and policy.