Eating Disorders and Obesity
Third Edition
A Comprehensive Handbook
Edited by Kelly D. Brownell and B. Timothy Walsh
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderMarch 3, 2017
ISBN 9781462529063
Price: $95.00 690 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
orderMarch 19, 2018
ISBN 9781462536092
Price: $63.00690 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
“An exceptional amalgamation of current literature regarding the causes, consequences, and risk factors associated with eating disorders and obesity. This edition provides insight from sociological, psychological, biological, and genetic stances, while also supplying the reader with information related to policy, prevention, and treatment on an individual, community, and global scale….Constructs a landscape for readers that allows them to view both eating disorders and obesity from a variety of perspectives, demonstrating a more complex and intricate problem than what is often portrayed by the popular press….Serves as a timely resource and will be appropriate for scholars and professionals who wish to examine the topic in further detail. Recommended. Upper-division undergraduates and above; faculty and professionals.”

—Choice Reviews
“This book assembles world-class authors to cover the state of science in eating and weight disorders providing an up-to-date and comprehensive review of these fields….This [third] edition has added dozens of new chapters and authors to reflect the advances in state-of-the-art treatments over the past 15 years….It is an authoritative work and a central book for a rapidly evolving and complicated field. *****!”

—Doody's Review Service
“This handbook is an excellent resource for clinicians and researchers. It serves as an encyclopedia of current knowledge on everything having to do with eating disorders and obesity.”

—Cognitive Therapy Today (on the second edition)
“This tome is truly comprehensive and certainly will serve as a handbook for clinicians and researchers for many years to come….The breadth of topics covered in this volume guarantees that it will be the book to be consulted when a question on any issue in eating disorders or obesity is raised by a student, a client, or another professional....Eating Disorders and Obesity is the book that Academy members will likely turn to often for reference, since it addresses virtually every topic in the fields of eating disorders and obesity. I would strongly urge all AED members to add this one to their bookshelf.”

—Academy for Eating Disorders Newsletter (on the second edition)
“An astonishingly comprehensive work, and one that efficiently facilitates the search for further information should more in-depth knowledge be required. The brevity of each chapter makes it highly readable, and the eminence of the contributors gives the reader great confidence in the accuracy of the information.”

—Nutrition Bulletin (on the second edition)
“A book that should be one of the main resources for anyone who has to deal with patients with eating disorders or obesity....This book should be required reading for all medical students, who will soon be dealing with patients with all of these eating disorders in their many disguises. It is also a wonderful quick reference book for anyone treating patients with eating disorders because the chapters are well written, short, and to the point. Each chapter is limited to specific aspects of each disorder, so one can easily find the relevant information they are seeking.”

—Psychosomatics (on the second edition)
“The term handbook is commonly misused in science and health. Attracted by books claiming to be both practical and comprehensive, the all too frequent result is disappointment. This handbook is an exception....Breadth of coverage is what makes this special, together with a genuine interest in bringing together two clinical fields that remain apart, occasionally in conflict. This is a book that will make many journeys from my bookshelf to desk. And I recommend it to anyone with an interest in obesity or eating disorders, student or professor, who is curious to find out about what lies beyond their own specialty.”

—International Association for the Study of Obesity Newsletter (on the second edition)
“This scholarly synthesis of knowledge reflects high-quality writing and editorial work, and is a must-have for researchers and academics and for clinicians involved in the care of clients with eating disorders and/or obesity.”

—Journal of Addiction and Mental Health (on the second edition)
“Although the fields of obesity and eating disorders still sit side by side with only tentative tendrils combining them, this handbook, over subsequent editions, is helping to foster needed integration. The brief, easily read chapters in the third edition provide an up-to-date and comprehensive survey of both fields.”

—W. Stewart Agras, MD, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (Emeritus), Stanford University
“This thoroughly updated handbook once again assembles a world-class roster of authors to cover the state of the science in eating and weight disorders. The third edition features important new discoveries across a broad disciplinary spectrum. Grounded in research and offering well-selected recommendations for follow-up reading, this is a valuable text for courses in eating disorders, obesity, and behavioral health (to name a few). Written in clear and compelling prose, the book is a 'must read' for anyone who wants to understand and find practical solutions to the challenges and suffering that arise from eating and weight disorders.”

—Ruth Striegel Weissman, PhD, Walter A. Crowell University Professor of the Social Sciences, Wesleyan University
“An exceptionally well-crafted work. The fields addressed are covered broadly and deeply, yet surprisingly succinctly—a remarkable amount of material is packed into these pages. The third edition has been updated and expanded considerably, and covers developing areas of growing importance, as well as clinical and research questions that are often overlooked. The authors are the leaders in their disciplines, often the primary contributors in each field. This handbook will remain a central text for many years; I highly recommend it for practitioners, researchers, and students in various clinical and basic science fields.”

—James E. Mitchell, MD, The Lee A. Christoferson Chair in Neuroscience Research and Chester Fritz Distinguished University Professor, University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences
“This authoritative work examines multiple rapidly evolving facets of a highly complex area. The volume takes a 'deep dive' into the concepts and latest developments pertaining to understanding and treatment of eating disorders and obesity, including advances across medical disciplines and the behavioral sciences. It is a 'must have' for students and clinicians.”

—Louis J. Aronne, MD, FACP, DABOM, Sanford I. Weill Professor of Metabolic Research, Weill Cornell College of Medicine; Chairman, American Board of Obesity Medicine

—Choice Reviews
“This book assembles world-class authors to cover the state of science in eating and weight disorders providing an up-to-date and comprehensive review of these fields….This [third] edition has added dozens of new chapters and authors to reflect the advances in state-of-the-art treatments over the past 15 years….It is an authoritative work and a central book for a rapidly evolving and complicated field. *****!”

—Doody's Review Service
“This handbook is an excellent resource for clinicians and researchers. It serves as an encyclopedia of current knowledge on everything having to do with eating disorders and obesity.”

—Cognitive Therapy Today (on the second edition)
“This tome is truly comprehensive and certainly will serve as a handbook for clinicians and researchers for many years to come….The breadth of topics covered in this volume guarantees that it will be the book to be consulted when a question on any issue in eating disorders or obesity is raised by a student, a client, or another professional....Eating Disorders and Obesity is the book that Academy members will likely turn to often for reference, since it addresses virtually every topic in the fields of eating disorders and obesity. I would strongly urge all AED members to add this one to their bookshelf.”

—Academy for Eating Disorders Newsletter (on the second edition)
“An astonishingly comprehensive work, and one that efficiently facilitates the search for further information should more in-depth knowledge be required. The brevity of each chapter makes it highly readable, and the eminence of the contributors gives the reader great confidence in the accuracy of the information.”

—Nutrition Bulletin (on the second edition)
“A book that should be one of the main resources for anyone who has to deal with patients with eating disorders or obesity....This book should be required reading for all medical students, who will soon be dealing with patients with all of these eating disorders in their many disguises. It is also a wonderful quick reference book for anyone treating patients with eating disorders because the chapters are well written, short, and to the point. Each chapter is limited to specific aspects of each disorder, so one can easily find the relevant information they are seeking.”

—Psychosomatics (on the second edition)
“The term handbook is commonly misused in science and health. Attracted by books claiming to be both practical and comprehensive, the all too frequent result is disappointment. This handbook is an exception....Breadth of coverage is what makes this special, together with a genuine interest in bringing together two clinical fields that remain apart, occasionally in conflict. This is a book that will make many journeys from my bookshelf to desk. And I recommend it to anyone with an interest in obesity or eating disorders, student or professor, who is curious to find out about what lies beyond their own specialty.”

—International Association for the Study of Obesity Newsletter (on the second edition)
“This scholarly synthesis of knowledge reflects high-quality writing and editorial work, and is a must-have for researchers and academics and for clinicians involved in the care of clients with eating disorders and/or obesity.”

—Journal of Addiction and Mental Health (on the second edition)
“Although the fields of obesity and eating disorders still sit side by side with only tentative tendrils combining them, this handbook, over subsequent editions, is helping to foster needed integration. The brief, easily read chapters in the third edition provide an up-to-date and comprehensive survey of both fields.”

—W. Stewart Agras, MD, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (Emeritus), Stanford University
“This thoroughly updated handbook once again assembles a world-class roster of authors to cover the state of the science in eating and weight disorders. The third edition features important new discoveries across a broad disciplinary spectrum. Grounded in research and offering well-selected recommendations for follow-up reading, this is a valuable text for courses in eating disorders, obesity, and behavioral health (to name a few). Written in clear and compelling prose, the book is a 'must read' for anyone who wants to understand and find practical solutions to the challenges and suffering that arise from eating and weight disorders.”

—Ruth Striegel Weissman, PhD, Walter A. Crowell University Professor of the Social Sciences, Wesleyan University
“An exceptionally well-crafted work. The fields addressed are covered broadly and deeply, yet surprisingly succinctly—a remarkable amount of material is packed into these pages. The third edition has been updated and expanded considerably, and covers developing areas of growing importance, as well as clinical and research questions that are often overlooked. The authors are the leaders in their disciplines, often the primary contributors in each field. This handbook will remain a central text for many years; I highly recommend it for practitioners, researchers, and students in various clinical and basic science fields.”

—James E. Mitchell, MD, The Lee A. Christoferson Chair in Neuroscience Research and Chester Fritz Distinguished University Professor, University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences
“This authoritative work examines multiple rapidly evolving facets of a highly complex area. The volume takes a 'deep dive' into the concepts and latest developments pertaining to understanding and treatment of eating disorders and obesity, including advances across medical disciplines and the behavioral sciences. It is a 'must have' for students and clinicians.”

—Louis J. Aronne, MD, FACP, DABOM, Sanford I. Weill Professor of Metabolic Research, Weill Cornell College of Medicine; Chairman, American Board of Obesity Medicine