Expecting Mindfully
Nourish Your Emotional Well-Being and Prevent Depression during Pregnancy and Postpartum
Sona Dimidjian and Sherryl H. Goodman
Foreword by Samantha Meltzer-Brody
Audio Meditations by Sharon Salzberg
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderApril 4, 2019
ISBN 9781462532476
Price: $57.00 212 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
orderApril 4, 2019
ISBN 9781462529025
Price: $16.95 212 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
The companion website includes audio downloads narrated by renowned meditation teacher Sharon Salzberg.
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Sign up for emails on upcoming titles on Mindfulness (with special discounts)!
“Those who work the program should gain valuable skills and tools for getting ahead of depression and anxiety, as well as a useful workbook for reference during pregnancy and quite likely for the rest of their lives.”

—Publishers Weekly
“The emotional habits you bring to pregnancy and giving birth—such as believing you need to be a 'perfect' mother—can get in the way of taking care of yourself. Expecting Mindfully prepares you for the mental and emotional challenges that accompany having a baby, so you can get your mind ready, not just the baby’s room! This book offers a powerful mix of mindfulness, cognitive therapy, and practical wisdom that will help you during and after pregnancy—and all through life.”

—Tara Bennett-Goleman, MA, author of Emotional Alchemy, and Daniel Goleman, PhD, author of Emotional Intelligence
“As the mom of a 2-year-old with another on the way, this book has helped me be present and manage the stresses and craziness of this hectic time. I now have the tools to help me slow down when I feel worn out or overwhelmed by it all, and can react in a mindful, deliberate manner. The book has also helped me see the beauty in the messy moments. I can savor this stage instead of allowing sleep deprivation to let my mind drift on autopilot.”

—Erin C., North Wales, Pennsylvania
“This book is an absolute gem. It pulls back the curtain on your mental health needs as an expectant or new mother and provides proven tools to address them. Drs. Dimidjian and Goodman's unique blend of clinical wisdom and research, coupled with Sharon Salzberg’s guided meditations, engages both your heart and mind in this vital work.”

—Zindel Segal, PhD, coauthor of The Mindful Way through Depression
“This user-friendly book will help you avoid the heartache of postpartum depression by creating your own early warning system. I wish this resource had been available when I was having my children.”

—Nanette Santoro, MD, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Colorado
“Pregnancy was daunting for me. I was overwhelmed and anxious about my ever-growing body, the baby's health, and my new role as a mother. This compassionate workbook helped me find solid ground in tempestuous seas. I will be forever grateful to Drs. Dimidjian and Goodman for helping me enjoy my pregnancy and equipping me with the tools to be a mindful parent.”

—Christie-Anne L., Boulder, Colorado
“There are so many books for expecting and new mothers, but few so gently and wisely share evidence-based methods to quiet our busy minds and calm our distress. Take your time to work through this book and give yourself the gifts that it offers. You will find enduring tools to carry you through all the ups and downs of parenthood.”

—Wendy N. Davis, PhD, Executive Director, Postpartum Support International
“As a father-to-be, this book has helped me understand my wife's feelings during her pregnancy, and also taught me some skills that I will be able to bring forward in our new life together as a family. The authors do an excellent job of walking you through the exercises in a logical manner while leaving lots of room to let your experience be your guide.”

—Michael B., Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
“Women often don't receive the help they need for the very common feelings of depression, anxiety, and stress during pregnancy. The program in this book can help you stay emotionally well at this exciting but sometimes difficult time. Using two of the most well-established techniques in therapy today could benefit all pregnant women!”

—Vivette Glover, PhD, Professor of Perinatal Psychobiology, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
“The writing style makes you feel like you are having a heartfelt conversation with the authors, as well as a supportive group of other expecting and new mothers. I only wish I'd had this book when I was first expecting!”

—Blakie S., Guelph, Ontario, Canada
“This book is an extraordinary achievement. All the activities are described in language that is easily understood. The authors convey warmth, sensitivity, and authentic concern for all women who are adapting to parenthood—especially if your worries are preoccupying or you are feeling demoralized or pessimistic. There is practical guidance about how to integrate the program into your busy daily life, and many opportunities to shape it for your individual circumstances.”

—Jane Fisher, AO, PhD, FCCLP, FCHP, clinical psychologist; Professor of Women’s Health and Global Health, Monash University, Australia
“Expecting Mindfully provides helpful tools and skills for women who are expecting or postpartum. This wonderful book is easy to read and offers highly practical and valuable information that all new mothers need.”

—from the Foreword by Samantha Meltzer-Brody, MD, MPH, Distinguished Professor and Director, Perinatal Psychiatry Program, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

—Publishers Weekly
“The emotional habits you bring to pregnancy and giving birth—such as believing you need to be a 'perfect' mother—can get in the way of taking care of yourself. Expecting Mindfully prepares you for the mental and emotional challenges that accompany having a baby, so you can get your mind ready, not just the baby’s room! This book offers a powerful mix of mindfulness, cognitive therapy, and practical wisdom that will help you during and after pregnancy—and all through life.”

—Tara Bennett-Goleman, MA, author of Emotional Alchemy, and Daniel Goleman, PhD, author of Emotional Intelligence
“As the mom of a 2-year-old with another on the way, this book has helped me be present and manage the stresses and craziness of this hectic time. I now have the tools to help me slow down when I feel worn out or overwhelmed by it all, and can react in a mindful, deliberate manner. The book has also helped me see the beauty in the messy moments. I can savor this stage instead of allowing sleep deprivation to let my mind drift on autopilot.”

—Erin C., North Wales, Pennsylvania
“This book is an absolute gem. It pulls back the curtain on your mental health needs as an expectant or new mother and provides proven tools to address them. Drs. Dimidjian and Goodman's unique blend of clinical wisdom and research, coupled with Sharon Salzberg’s guided meditations, engages both your heart and mind in this vital work.”

—Zindel Segal, PhD, coauthor of The Mindful Way through Depression
“This user-friendly book will help you avoid the heartache of postpartum depression by creating your own early warning system. I wish this resource had been available when I was having my children.”

—Nanette Santoro, MD, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Colorado
“Pregnancy was daunting for me. I was overwhelmed and anxious about my ever-growing body, the baby's health, and my new role as a mother. This compassionate workbook helped me find solid ground in tempestuous seas. I will be forever grateful to Drs. Dimidjian and Goodman for helping me enjoy my pregnancy and equipping me with the tools to be a mindful parent.”

—Christie-Anne L., Boulder, Colorado
“There are so many books for expecting and new mothers, but few so gently and wisely share evidence-based methods to quiet our busy minds and calm our distress. Take your time to work through this book and give yourself the gifts that it offers. You will find enduring tools to carry you through all the ups and downs of parenthood.”

—Wendy N. Davis, PhD, Executive Director, Postpartum Support International
“As a father-to-be, this book has helped me understand my wife's feelings during her pregnancy, and also taught me some skills that I will be able to bring forward in our new life together as a family. The authors do an excellent job of walking you through the exercises in a logical manner while leaving lots of room to let your experience be your guide.”

—Michael B., Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
“Women often don't receive the help they need for the very common feelings of depression, anxiety, and stress during pregnancy. The program in this book can help you stay emotionally well at this exciting but sometimes difficult time. Using two of the most well-established techniques in therapy today could benefit all pregnant women!”

—Vivette Glover, PhD, Professor of Perinatal Psychobiology, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
“The writing style makes you feel like you are having a heartfelt conversation with the authors, as well as a supportive group of other expecting and new mothers. I only wish I'd had this book when I was first expecting!”

—Blakie S., Guelph, Ontario, Canada
“This book is an extraordinary achievement. All the activities are described in language that is easily understood. The authors convey warmth, sensitivity, and authentic concern for all women who are adapting to parenthood—especially if your worries are preoccupying or you are feeling demoralized or pessimistic. There is practical guidance about how to integrate the program into your busy daily life, and many opportunities to shape it for your individual circumstances.”

—Jane Fisher, AO, PhD, FCCLP, FCHP, clinical psychologist; Professor of Women’s Health and Global Health, Monash University, Australia
“Expecting Mindfully provides helpful tools and skills for women who are expecting or postpartum. This wonderful book is easy to read and offers highly practical and valuable information that all new mothers need.”

—from the Foreword by Samantha Meltzer-Brody, MD, MPH, Distinguished Professor and Director, Perinatal Psychiatry Program, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill