Handbook of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies

Fourth Edition

Edited by Keith S. Dobson and David J. A. Dozois

HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
March 12, 2019
ISBN 9781462538584
Price: $78.00
526 Pages
Size: 6⅛" x 9¼"
April 23, 2021
ISBN 9781462547722
Price: $52.00
526 Pages
Size: 6⅛" x 9¼"
February 1, 2019
PDF and ePub ?
Price: $52.00
526 Pages
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Paperback + e-Book (PDF and ePub) ?
Price: $104.00 $62.40
526 Pages
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I. Historical, Philosophical, and Scientific Foundations

1. Historical and Philosophical Bases of the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies, David J. A. Dozois, Keith S. Dobson, & Katerina Rnic sample

2. Empirical Validation and the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies, Keith S. Dobson, Amanda M. McEpplan, & Deborah Dobson

3. Cognitive Science Foundations of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Rick E. Ingram, Jessica Balderas, & Greg Siegle

II. Assessment Considerations

4. Cognitive Assessment: Issues and Methods, David M. Dunkley, Zindel V. Segal, & Kirk R. Blankstein

5. Clinical Assessment in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies, John Hunsley & Teresa Allan

6. Case Formulation-Driven Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Jacqueline B. Persons, Casey L. Brown, & Allison Diamond

III. The Therapies

7. Emotion-Centered Problem-Solving Therapy, Arthur M. Nezu, Christine Maguth Nezu, & Alexa M. Hays

8. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, Raymond DiGiuseppe & Kristene A. Doyle

9. Cognitive Therapy, Robert J. DeRubeis, John R. Keefe, & Aaron T. Beck

10. Schema Therapy, Odette Brand-de Wilde & Arnoud Arntz

11. Mindfulness and Acceptance Interventions in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Alan E. Fruzzetti, Caitlin McLean, & Karen Erikson

12. Dialectical Behavior Therapy: A Comprehensive Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder, Emotion Dysregulation, and Difficult-to-Treat Behaviors, Shireen L. Rizvi & Alexandra M. King

13. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Psychotherapy Integration, John C. Norcross, Larry E. Beutler, & Marvin R. Goldfried

IV. Applications to Specific Populations

14. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy with Youth, Jordan P. Davis, Sophie A. Palitz, Mark Knepley, & Philip C. Kendall

15. Cognitive-Behavioral Prevention Programs, Aliza Werner-Seidler, Alison L. Calear, & Helen Christensen

16. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Comorbidity and Transdiagnostic Populations, Peter J. Norton, Kelly R. Harris, Isabella Marker, & Shaun Pearl

17. Cognitive-Behavioral Couple Therapy, Norman B. Epstein, Donald H. Baucom, Jennifer S. Kirby, & Jaslean J. LaTaillade

18. Affirmative Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy with Culturally Diverse Populations, David W. Pantalone, Gayle Y. Iwamasa, & Christopher R. Martell

19. Going Beyond Didactic Training: How to Increase Utilization of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Adam M. Reid & R. Kathryn McHugh
