Handbook of Pediatric Psychology

Fifth Edition

Edited by Michael C. Roberts and Ric G. Steele

HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
April 14, 2017
ISBN 9781462529780
Price: $111.00
682 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
March 19, 2018
ISBN 9781462536085
Price: $74.00
682 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
April 6, 2017
PDF and ePub ?
Price: $74.00
682 Pages
print + e-book
Paperback + e-Book (PDF and ePub) ?
Price: $148.00 $88.80
682 Pages
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I. Professional Issues

1. Historical Developments and Trends in Pediatric Psychology, Brandon S. Aylward & Jennifer L. Lee

2. Ethical and Legal Issues in Pediatric Psychology, William A. Rae, Donald Brunnquell, & Jeremy R. Sullivan

3. Professional Development, Roles, and Practice Patterns, Lisa M. Buckloh & Lisa M. Schilling

4. Research Design in Pediatric Psychology: The State of Our Science, Recommendations, and Future Considerations, Kristoffer S. Berlin, Bryan T. Karazsia, & Kimberly L. Klages

5. Training and Competencies in Pediatric Psychology, Tonya M. Palermo, David M. Janicke, Sarah E. Beals-Erickson, & Alyssa M. Fritz

6. Quality Improvement and Cost-Effectiveness, Meghan E. McGrady, Kristin Loiselle rICH, & Lori E. Crosby

II. Cross-Cutting Issues

7. Culture and Diversity in Research and Practice, Daniel L. Clay

8. Evidence-Based Practice in Pediatric Psychology, Timothy D. Nelson & Maren Hankey

9. Inpatient Pediatric Consultation–Liaison, Bryan D. Carter, William G. Kronenberger, Eric L. Scott, Kristin A. Kullgren, Carrie Piazza-Waggoner, & Christine E. Brady

10. Adherence to Pediatric Treatment Regimens, Kevin A. Hommel, Rachelle R. Ramsey, Kristin Loiselle Rich, & Jamie L. Ryan

11. Chronic and Recurrent Pain, Emily F. Law, Melanie Noel, Marni Switkin Nagel, & Lynnda M. Dahlquist

12. Management of Pediatric Pain and Distress Due to Medical Procedures, Lindsey L. Cohen, Ronald L. Blount, Jill Chorney, William Zempsky, Nikita Rodrigues, & Laura Cousins

13. Pediatric Pharmacology and Psychopharmacology, Ronald T. Brown

14. Pediatric Medical Traumatic Stress, Anne E. Kazak, Julia Price, & Nancy Kassam-Adams

15. Palliative Care, End of Life, and Bereavement, Cynthia A. Gerhardt, Amy E. Baughcum, Christine Fortney, & Wendy G. Lichtenthal

16. eHealth Applications in Pediatric Psychology, Christopher C. Cushing

17. Genetics and Genetic Testing, Yelena P. Wu & Kenneth P. Tercyak

III. Medical, Developmental, Behavioral, and Cognitive-Affective Conditions

18. Pediatric Asthma, Elizabeth L. McQuaid & David A. Fedele

19. Advances and Emerging Issues in Cystic Fibrosis, Alexandra L. Quittner, Ruth Bernstein, Christina J. Nicolais, & Estefany Saez-Flores

20. The Psychological Context of Diabetes Mellitus in Youth, Tim Wysocki, Lisa M. Buckloh, & Jessica Pierce

21. Sickle Cell Disease, Kathleen L. Lemanek, Amy Hahn, and Melissa McNaull

22. Pediatric Cancer, Kathryn Vannatta & Christina G. Salley

23. Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury and Spinal Cord Injury, Shari L. Wade, Ashlee K. Bolger, & Brad G. Kurowski

24. Spina Bifida, Grayson N. Holmbeck, Kathy Zebracki, Jaclyn Lennon Papadakis, & Colleen F. Bechtel

25. Epilepsy, Avani C. Modi, Shanna M. Guilfoyle, and Janelle Wagner

26. Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, Michael A. Rapoff, Carol B. Lindsley, & Cynthia W. Karlson

27. Cardiovascular Disease, Cheryl L. Brosig, Erica Sood, & Jennifer L. Butcher

28. Organ Transplantation, Cyd K. Eaton, Ana M. Gutierrez-Colina, Emily M. Fredericks, Jennifer L. Lee, E. Bonney Reed-Knight, Laura L. Mee, Julia E. LaMotte, & Ronald L. Blount

29. Abdominal Pain–Related Gastrointestinal Disorders: Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Jennifer Verrill Schurman, Michele Herzer Maddux, Jennifer B. Blossom, & Craig A. Friesen

30. Pediatric Burns, Christina L. Duncan, Margo M. Szabo, & Janelle M. Mentrikoski

31. Feeding and Vomiting Problems in Pediatric Populations, Alan H. Silverman & Sally E. Tarbell

32. Pediatric Obesity, Mary Beth McCullough, Lisa Ranzenhofer, E. Whitney Evans, & Elissa Jelalian

33. Eating Disorders, Diana Rancourt & Leah Boepple

34. Elimination Disorders: Enuresis and Encopresis, Jaclyn A. Shepard & Daniel J. Cox

35. Pediatric Sleep, Sarah M. Honaker, Lisa J. Meltzer, & Jodi A. Mindell

36. Autism Spectrum Disorder and Developmental Disabilities, Jonathan M. Campbell, Rachel K. Hammond, & Kirsten A. Scheil

37. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in the Pediatric Context, Annie A. Garner & Jeffery N. Epstein

IV. Public Health Issues and Systems

38. Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, Celia M. Lescano & Guitele J. Rahill

39. Understanding and Preventing Pediatric Unintentional Injury, Barbara A. Morrongiello & David C. Schwebel

40. Health Promotion in Children and Adolescents: An Integration of the Biopsychosocial Model and Ecological Approaches to Behavior Change, Dawn K. Wilson, Sandra M. Coulon, & Lauren E. Huffman

41. Prevention: A Multilevel, Biobehavioral, Lifespan Perspective, Maureen M. Black

42. Pediatric Psychology and Primary Care, Terry Stancin, Lynne Sturm, Douglas Tynan, & Lisa Ramirez

43. Families and Other Systems in Pediatric Psychology, Anne E. Kazak, Melissa A. Alderfer, & Steven K. Reader

44. Schools and Reintegration into Schools, George J. DuPaul, Thomas J. Power, & Edward S. Shapiro

V. Special Topics

45. Rural Pediatric Health,Lisa M. Clifford, Julia K. Carmody, & David M. Janicke

46. International Developments in Pediatric Psychology, Annette M. La Greca, Anne E. Kazak, & Sherilynn F. Chan

47. Transition in Pediatric Psychology: Adolescents and Young Adults, Katie A. Devine, Maureen Monaghan, & Lisa A. Schwartz

48. Disorders/Differences of Sex Development, Nina Callens, Melissa Gardner, & David E. Sandberg

Author Index

Subject Index