Handbook of Research Methods in Personality Psychology

Edited by Richard W. Robins, R. Chris Fraley, and Robert F. Krueger

Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
December 9, 2009
ISBN 9781606236123
Price: $84.00
719 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
Copyright Date: 2007
March 1, 2011
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Price: $84.00
719 Pages
Copyright Date: 2007
print + e-book
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Price: $168.00 $100.80
719 Pages
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I. Designing a Personality Study

1. The Role of Theory in Personality Assessment, Dan P. McAdams and Jennifer L. Pals

2. Designing and Implementing Longitudinal Studies, M. Brent Donnellan and Rand D. Conger

3. Experimental Approaches to the Study of Personality, William Revelle

4. Behavior Genetic Designs, Robert F. Krueger and Jennifer L. Tackett

5. Idiographic Personality: The Theory and Practice of Experience Sampling, Tamlin S. Conner, Lisa Feldman Barrett, Michele M. Tugade, and Howard Tennen

6. Psychobiography and Case Study Methods, Alan C. Elms

7. Mining Archival Data, Phebe Cramer

8. Using the Internet for Personality Research: What Can Be Done, How to Do It, and Some Concerns, R. Chris Fraley

9. The Null Hypothesis Significance-Testing Debate and Its Implications for Personality Research, R. Chris Fraley and Michael J. Marks

10. Cross-Cultural Personality Research: Conceptual and Methodological Issues, Verónica Benet-Martínez

11. Measuring Personality in Nonhuman Animals, Simine Vazire, Samuel D. Gosling, Audrey S. Dickey, and Steven J. Schapiro

II. Methods for Assessing Personality at Different Levels of Analysis

12. Taxonomies, Trends, and Integrations, Kenneth H. Craik

13. The Self-Report Method, Delroy L. Paulhus and Simine Vazire

14. The Construct Validation Approach to Personality Scale Construction, Leonard J. Simms and David Watson

15. Observer Ratings of Personality, Robert R. McCrae and Alexander Weiss

16. Behavior Observation, R. Michael Furr and David C. Funder

17. Content Coding of Open-Ended Responses, Barbara A. Woike

18. Personality Assessment at a Distance, Anna V. Song and Dean Keith Simonton

19. Measuring Implicit Motives, Oliver C. Schultheiss and Joyce S. Pang

20. Lives Lived in Milliseconds: Using Cognitive Methods in Personality Research, Michael D. Robinson

21. Patient and Neuroimaging Methodologies, Jennifer S. Beer and Michael V. Lombardo

22. Physiological Measures, Lisa M. Diamond and Kim Otter-Henderson

23. The Human Genome Project and Personality: What We Can Learn about Our Inner and Outer Selves through Our Genes, Richard P. Ebstein, Rachel Bachner-Melman, Salomon Israel, Lubov Nemanov, and Inga Gritsenko

III. Analyzing and Interpreting Personality Data

24. Toward Modern Psychometrics: Application of Item Response Theory Models in Personality Research, Julien Morizot, Andrew T. Ainsworth, and Steven P. Reise

25. Factor Analysis in Personality Research, Kibeom Lee and Michael C. Ashton

26. Applications of Structural Equation Modeling in Personality Research, Rick H. Hoyle

27. The Importance of Being Valid: Reliability and the Process of Construct Validation, Oliver P. John and Christopher J. Soto

28. Evaluating Effect Size in Personality Research, Daniel J. Ozer

29. Multilevel Modeling in Personality Research, John B. Nezlek

30. Studying Personality Processes: Explaining Change in Between-Persons Longitudinal and Within-Person Multilevel Models, William Fleeson

31. The Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Personality Research, Daniel K. Mroczek

32. Person-Centered Structural Analyses, James W. Grice

33. Multiple Regression: Applications of the Basics and Beyond in Personality Research, Stephen G. West, Leona S. Aiken, Wei Wu, and Aaron B. Taylor

34. Moderator and Mediator Models in Personality Research: A Basic Introduction, William F. Chaplin

35. Computational Modeling of Personality as a Dynamical System, Yuichi Shoda

36. Meta-Analysis in Personality Psychology: A Primer, Brent W. Roberts, Nathan R. Kuncel, Wolfgang Viechtbauer, and Tim Bogg

37. What Kinds of Methods Do Personality Psychologists Use?: A Survey of Journal Editors and Editorial Board Members, Richard W. Robins, Jessica L. Tracy, and Jeffrey W. Sherman