Handbook of Research Methods in Personality Psychology
Edited by Richard W. Robins, R. Chris Fraley, and Robert F. Krueger
Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderDecember 9, 2009
ISBN 9781606236123
Price: $84.00719 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
Copyright Date: 2007
“Impressive, both in scope and quality. Sixty-nine authors, many of whom represent the widely acknowledged authority or are the pioneering authors on their topics, contributed to this collection of 37 chapters....The editors of this handbook set out to assemble a comprehensive resource and the depth and breadth of coverage, including even the most esoteric and recently adopted methods, is impressive. The fact that no model for a comprehensive personality research methods resource existed before this handbook makes the accomplishment even more impressive still. The editors should also be commended for their care in assigning and structuring largely mutually exclusive chapter topics, and avoiding significant redundancy....This is a text written by scholars for a scholarly audience of personality, social, and clinical psychologists, and thus it is a resource that will prove useful to researchers at the front lines, first and foremost, but the Handbook would also be an effective text for a specialized graduate seminar....The efforts of the editors and authors are to be applauded for providing a significant contribution to psychological science. The volume will find a place on the shelves and desks of many personality researchers for years to come.”

—Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology
“Provides very thoughtful explorations and descriptions of three sets of topics that by and large represent a coherent system of research in personality psychology: design, measurement, and analysis. Although these topics are discussed in the context of personality research, I was immediately impressed by the book's applicability to research in other fields of the social sciences, including education....What I like about the book is that each chapter is concise and right to the point; since many different areas of design and measurement are covered, it provides an excellent reference for researchers. From this perspective, the book is a worthwhile possession for researchers wanting an up-to-date survey of relevant measurement methods as they apply to personality research as well as research in other fields. Researchers lacking statistical background could benefit from the conceptual discussions and the guides to some thorny issues such as sample size requirement....Researchers who are savvy with statistics could also benefit from discovering the latest advances described within the personality psychology context....Researchers who are interested in issues in designing research, measuring behaviors, and analyzing data can benefit from conceptual, as well as pragmatic, considerations offered in the book, whether for personality research or for research in other fields.”

“This is an exceptional addition to the field. Researchers and students will find answers to almost any personality research question, whether it involves methodology, measurement techniques, or statistical analyses. The suggestions are immensely useful and, if followed, can clearly lead to well designed studies for both personality researchers and researchers in related fields. Weighted Numerical Score: 96 - 4 Stars!”

—Doody's Review Service
“Edited and written by experienced, distinguished scholars, this handbook encompasses the remarkable breadth of research venues, assessment methods, and data-analytic approaches embraced by modern personality psychology. The quality and accessibility of the contents make this volume an indispensable guide for undergraduate and graduate students who are serious about personality science. It will surely become a standard reference for all personologists.”

—Auke Tellegen, PhD, Department of Psychology (Emeritus), University of Minnesota
“There is nothing more essential to good science than good methods, and personality research is no exception to this fundamental rule. This handbook is a landmark collection of defining statements on the diverse methods available to researchers in the field. It is a 'must read' for experienced and novice researchers alike, and will surely advance the state of the scientific study of personality.”

—Mark Snyder, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota
“This is a 'must-have,' 'must-read' handbook for personality researchers at all levels of the game. The outstanding, award-winning editors have produced a superb textbook and reference for graduate and undergraduate students just entering the field and hoping to conduct their own research. The book is essential for seasoned personality researchers too, because it covers exciting new methods that didn’t exist when we veterans were trained. Beyond its great value for anyone wishing to understand, critique, or conduct modern personality research, the Handbook is emblematic of a research field that is experiencing a dramatic upswing in self-confidence and influence. The sophistication, scope, and engaging prose style of this volume reflect the vitality of the field itself.”

—Phillip R. Shaver, PhD, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Psychology, University of California, Davis

—Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology
“Provides very thoughtful explorations and descriptions of three sets of topics that by and large represent a coherent system of research in personality psychology: design, measurement, and analysis. Although these topics are discussed in the context of personality research, I was immediately impressed by the book's applicability to research in other fields of the social sciences, including education....What I like about the book is that each chapter is concise and right to the point; since many different areas of design and measurement are covered, it provides an excellent reference for researchers. From this perspective, the book is a worthwhile possession for researchers wanting an up-to-date survey of relevant measurement methods as they apply to personality research as well as research in other fields. Researchers lacking statistical background could benefit from the conceptual discussions and the guides to some thorny issues such as sample size requirement....Researchers who are savvy with statistics could also benefit from discovering the latest advances described within the personality psychology context....Researchers who are interested in issues in designing research, measuring behaviors, and analyzing data can benefit from conceptual, as well as pragmatic, considerations offered in the book, whether for personality research or for research in other fields.”

“This is an exceptional addition to the field. Researchers and students will find answers to almost any personality research question, whether it involves methodology, measurement techniques, or statistical analyses. The suggestions are immensely useful and, if followed, can clearly lead to well designed studies for both personality researchers and researchers in related fields. Weighted Numerical Score: 96 - 4 Stars!”

—Doody's Review Service
“Edited and written by experienced, distinguished scholars, this handbook encompasses the remarkable breadth of research venues, assessment methods, and data-analytic approaches embraced by modern personality psychology. The quality and accessibility of the contents make this volume an indispensable guide for undergraduate and graduate students who are serious about personality science. It will surely become a standard reference for all personologists.”

—Auke Tellegen, PhD, Department of Psychology (Emeritus), University of Minnesota
“There is nothing more essential to good science than good methods, and personality research is no exception to this fundamental rule. This handbook is a landmark collection of defining statements on the diverse methods available to researchers in the field. It is a 'must read' for experienced and novice researchers alike, and will surely advance the state of the scientific study of personality.”

—Mark Snyder, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota
“This is a 'must-have,' 'must-read' handbook for personality researchers at all levels of the game. The outstanding, award-winning editors have produced a superb textbook and reference for graduate and undergraduate students just entering the field and hoping to conduct their own research. The book is essential for seasoned personality researchers too, because it covers exciting new methods that didn’t exist when we veterans were trained. Beyond its great value for anyone wishing to understand, critique, or conduct modern personality research, the Handbook is emblematic of a research field that is experiencing a dramatic upswing in self-confidence and influence. The sophistication, scope, and engaging prose style of this volume reflect the vitality of the field itself.”

—Phillip R. Shaver, PhD, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Psychology, University of California, Davis