Intensive Reading Interventions for the Elementary Grades
Jeanne Wanzek, Stephanie Al Otaiba, and Kristen L. McMaster
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderOctober 21, 2019
ISBN 9781462541126
Price: $54.00 184 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
orderOctober 21, 2019
ISBN 9781462541119
Price: $36.00 184 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
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“Despite the growing emphasis on multi-tiered systems of support, implementation of research-based practices is still very inconsistent in schools. This accessible, much-needed book clearly explains best practices in intensive reading intervention. Activities that bring results are described and their extensive research base is summarized. The book's unique features include instructions for intensifying each lesson or activity; guidance on using quick, curriculum-based assessments for weekly progress monitoring; and multicomponent lesson frameworks. I highly recommend this resource for teachers-in-training and practicing educators who work with students with severe reading difficulties.”
—Louisa C. Moats, EdD, codeveloper, LETRS professional development program; former officer, International Dyslexia Association
“Intensive intervention may be the best approach we have for closing the reading achievement gap and ensuring that all students get the opportunity to become successful readers. This indispensable guide will be a go-to resource for educators looking for practical, research-based strategies, lessons, and routines for implementing intensive interventions.”
—Michael D. Coyne, PhD, Special Education Program, University of Connecticut
“This is the book all elementary schools need to implement truly responsive and effective reading intervention. All the essential content that needs to be taught is carefully laid out in each chapter. The embedded case studies with instructional plans are very useful. The chapter on multicomponent intervention is unique and valuable—its focus on integrating behavior supports to maximize student learning and motivation is exactly what has been shown to work. This book's utility is not surprising, considering the authors were all teachers prior to becoming leading reading researchers. It really bridges the research-to-practice gap!”
—Beth Harn, PhD, Special Education Program, University of Oregon
“This is one of those rare books that makes scientific reading research interpretable and actionable for practitioners. Not only do the authors present the 'what' and 'how' of intensive reading intervention, but they provide clear, teacher-friendly guidance that permits immediate implementation. Teachers and school leaders will benefit from the book's level of description, numerous examples, and practical recommendations for the classroom. It is sure to empower teachers to reach all their students for decades to come.”
—Dana Brandes, PhD, special education teacher, Northeast Metro 916 Intermediate School District, Minnesota
—Louisa C. Moats, EdD, codeveloper, LETRS professional development program; former officer, International Dyslexia Association
“Intensive intervention may be the best approach we have for closing the reading achievement gap and ensuring that all students get the opportunity to become successful readers. This indispensable guide will be a go-to resource for educators looking for practical, research-based strategies, lessons, and routines for implementing intensive interventions.”
—Michael D. Coyne, PhD, Special Education Program, University of Connecticut
“This is the book all elementary schools need to implement truly responsive and effective reading intervention. All the essential content that needs to be taught is carefully laid out in each chapter. The embedded case studies with instructional plans are very useful. The chapter on multicomponent intervention is unique and valuable—its focus on integrating behavior supports to maximize student learning and motivation is exactly what has been shown to work. This book's utility is not surprising, considering the authors were all teachers prior to becoming leading reading researchers. It really bridges the research-to-practice gap!”
—Beth Harn, PhD, Special Education Program, University of Oregon
“This is one of those rare books that makes scientific reading research interpretable and actionable for practitioners. Not only do the authors present the 'what' and 'how' of intensive reading intervention, but they provide clear, teacher-friendly guidance that permits immediate implementation. Teachers and school leaders will benefit from the book's level of description, numerous examples, and practical recommendations for the classroom. It is sure to empower teachers to reach all their students for decades to come.”
—Dana Brandes, PhD, special education teacher, Northeast Metro 916 Intermediate School District, Minnesota