Language and Literacy Development in Bilingual Settings

Edited by Aydin Yücesan Durgunoglu and Claude Goldenberg

Hardcovere-bookprint + e-book
November 15, 2010
ISBN 9781606239544
Price: $75.00
363 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
March 14, 2011
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Price: $75.00
363 Pages
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363 Pages
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I. Introduction

1. Contexts for Language and Literacy Development among Dual-Language Learners, Claude Goldenberg, Leslie Reese, and Ali Rezaei

II. Oral Language and Dual-Language Learners

2. The Role of First Language on Oral Language Development in English: The Case of Both Alphabetic and Nonalphabetic Languages, Stefka H. Marinova-Todd and Yuuko Uchikoshi

3. Tuning in to Language-Specific Patterns: Nonword Repetition and the Big Picture of Bilingual Vocabulary Learning, María R. Brea-Spahn and Elaine R. Silliman

4. Rapid Spoken Language Shift in Early Second Language Learning: The Role of Peers and Effects on the First Language, D. Kimbrough Oller, Linda Jarmulowicz, Barbara Z. Pearson, and Alan B. Cobo-Lewis

5. Language Proficiency and Its Implications for Monolingual and Bilingual Children, Ellen Bialystok and Xiaojia Feng

III. Literacy and Dual-Language Learners

6. Factors Affecting the Relative Relationships between First- and Second-Language Phonological Awareness and Second Language Reading, Alexandra Gottardo, Yan Gu, Julie Mueller, Iuliana Baciu, and Ana Laura Pauchulo

7. Learning a Nonalphabetic Script and Its Impact on Later Development of English as a Second Language, Him Cheung, Catherine McBride-Chang, and Xiuli Tong

8. Chinese Language Learners of English Use More Orthographic–Lexical Than Phonological Strategies in English Word Recognition and Spelling, Che Kan Leong

9. Writing Acquisition among English Language Learners in U.S. Schools, Laura Méndez Barletta, Janette K. Klingner, and Michael J. Orosco

IV. Assessment and Diagnosis

10. Linguistic and Cognitive Processes in the Development of Spelling in English Language Learners: First-Language Transfer, Language Proficiency, or Cognitive Processes?, Esther Geva and Adèle Lafrance

11. Cognitive and Oral Language Contributors to Reading Disabilities in Spanish–English Bilinguals, Franklin R. Manis and Kim A. Lindsey

12. Assessment of Literacy Problems among English Language Learners Based on the Component Model, R. Malatesha Joshi and P. G. Aaron

V. Conclusion

13. The Policy Context of Research on Basic Processes in Bilingual Children in the United States, Kenji Hakuta