Literacy Coaching in the Secondary Grades
Helping Teachers Meet the Needs of All Students
Jade Wexler, Elizabeth Swanson, and Alexandra Shelton
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderJuly 14, 2021
ISBN 9781462546701
Price: $54.00 244 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
orderJuly 23, 2021
ISBN 9781462546695
Price: $36.00244 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
“Wexler, Swanson, and Shelton provide outstanding information and tools for addressing the content literacy needs of secondary students with reading difficulties. The user-friendly explanations and examples of how to implement AIM Coaching will prove invaluable. The book provides concrete, research-based strategies for supporting individual teacher learning schoolwide. This is a useful, highly relevant resource for university courses and professional development efforts that deal with improving content literacy instruction.”

—Mary T. Brownell, PhD, Distinguished Professor, School of Special Education, School Psychology, and Early Childhood Studies, College of Education, University of Florida
“In secondary education, all teachers are reading teachers, and many can benefit from the help of a skilled coach. That’s where this book comes in! There are few professional development resources to provide coaches with a systematic approach to support teachers and improve academic outcomes. Featuring clearly articulated research and well-crafted graphs, diagrams, graphic organizers, and worksheets, the book is both informative and practical. Educators will feel empowered as they acquire a deeper understanding of research-based literacy practices while also developing an arsenal of tools they can use right away across all content areas.”

—Whitney Stuart Anderson, MEd, Literacy and Content Instructional Coach, Hardy Middle School, Washington, DC
“This is a high-quality, practical guide that secondary literacy coaches can use to enhance their own practices and those of their teachers, ultimately enhancing the literacy achievement of students who need additional supports. The authors have done an excellent job of translating recent research findings into clear recommendations that can be applied in schools immediately. The focus on ongoing professional development and coaching is innovative and has high promise of increasing literacy outcomes. This book will be great for both preservice teacher training programs and inservice professional learning communities; I look forward to integrating it into the teacher preparation program at my university.”

—Christopher J. Lemons, PhD, Graduate School of Education, Stanford University

—Mary T. Brownell, PhD, Distinguished Professor, School of Special Education, School Psychology, and Early Childhood Studies, College of Education, University of Florida
“In secondary education, all teachers are reading teachers, and many can benefit from the help of a skilled coach. That’s where this book comes in! There are few professional development resources to provide coaches with a systematic approach to support teachers and improve academic outcomes. Featuring clearly articulated research and well-crafted graphs, diagrams, graphic organizers, and worksheets, the book is both informative and practical. Educators will feel empowered as they acquire a deeper understanding of research-based literacy practices while also developing an arsenal of tools they can use right away across all content areas.”

—Whitney Stuart Anderson, MEd, Literacy and Content Instructional Coach, Hardy Middle School, Washington, DC
“This is a high-quality, practical guide that secondary literacy coaches can use to enhance their own practices and those of their teachers, ultimately enhancing the literacy achievement of students who need additional supports. The authors have done an excellent job of translating recent research findings into clear recommendations that can be applied in schools immediately. The focus on ongoing professional development and coaching is innovative and has high promise of increasing literacy outcomes. This book will be great for both preservice teacher training programs and inservice professional learning communities; I look forward to integrating it into the teacher preparation program at my university.”

—Christopher J. Lemons, PhD, Graduate School of Education, Stanford University