Mindful Self-Compassion for Burnout

Tools to Help You Heal and Recharge When You're Wrung Out by Stress

Kristin Neff and Christopher Germer

HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
September 9, 2024
ISBN 9781462554980
Price: $30.00
221 Pages
Size: 7.375" x 9.25"
September 9, 2024
ISBN 9781462550227
Price: $19.95
221 Pages
Size: 7.375" x 9.25"
September 9, 2024
PDF and Accessible ePub ?
Price: $19.95
221 Pages
print + e-book
Paperback + e-Book (PDF and Accessible ePub) ?
Price: $39.90 $23.94
221 Pages
professor copy A digital professor copy will be available on VitalSource when published ?
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“What a helpful book! It is almost like you are sitting with Drs. Neff and Germer and feeling their kindness and support. You learn about the science of burnout, and how to recover and even grow from it. With stories, practical exercises, deep insights, and lots of encouragement, you are guided step by step to real well-being and open-hearted ways to manage the challenges of life.”

—Rick Hanson, PhD, author of Resilient

“When we’re pushed beyond our limits, self-compassion is the most overlooked—yet crucial—medicine we have for regaining resilience, wise perspective, and wholehearted engagement with life. Drawing on their experience as global leaders in the field of self-compassion, Drs. Neff and Germer have created an invaluable toolkit filled with powerful, actionable strategies to transform your relationship with stress.”

—Tara Brach, PhD, author of Radical Acceptance

“A 'must read' for anyone seeking support and renewal, this book helps you navigate the high demands of our world with tender-hearted wisdom. Through scientific research, mindful self-compassion practices, and poignant personal examples, Drs. Neff and Germer illuminate a path for meeting burnout with kindness, mindfulness, and shared humanity.”

—Sharon Salzberg, author of Lovingkindness and Real Life

“This book arrived with perfect timing—I was emerging from a period of burnout and seeking more mindfulness in my life. It reads like a warm note from a good friend. This book definitely belongs in my daily toolkit for adapting and thriving as a highly sensitive person in today’s world.”

—Cliff A., Cambridge, Massachusetts

“Drs. Neff and Germer offer practical strategies and profound insights that can help you cultivate resilience and reclaim your vitality. This book not only helps you recover from burnout, but also empowers you to thrive.”

—James R. Doty, MD, Founder and Director, Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education, Stanford University School of Medicine

“This book has been a game-changer for me as far as understanding my burnout patterns and replacing self-criticism with compassionate self-talk. I feel less emotionally exhausted and more connected with myself and my patients.”

—Alexis R., emergency room nurse, San Diego

“This book skillfully weaves together wisdom, scientific insights, and relatable stories. It helps you recognize and navigate burnout. By normalizing this common struggle, the authors provide a roadmap for healing and personal growth.”

—Richard Goerling, founder, Mindful Badge Initiative; retired police lieutenant and military veteran