Practical Handbook of School Psychology
Effective Practices for the 21st Century
Edited by Gretchen Gimpel Peacock, Ruth A. Ervin, Edward J. Daly III, and Kenneth W. Merrell
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderSeptember 2, 2009
ISBN 9781593856977
Price: $104.00 626 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
orderJuly 20, 2012
ISBN 9781462507771
Price: $69.00 626 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
Amanda Albertson, MA, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska
Keith D. Allen, PhD, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Munroe–Meyer Institute for Genetics and Rehabilitation, Omaha, Nebraska
Brent Alsop, PhD, University of Otago, Department of Psychology, Dunedin, New Zealand
Melissa Andersen, MEd, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska
Theresa Andreou, MEd, University of British Columbia, Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology and Special Education, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Scott P. Ardoin, PhD, University of Georgia, Department of Educational Psychology and Instructional Technology, Athens, Georgia
Scott K. Baker, PhD, Pacific Institutes for Research, Eugene, Oregon
Elizabeth Barkley, MEd, University of Cincinnati, Division of Human Services, Cincinnati, Ohio
David W. Barnett, PhD, University of Cincinnati, Division of Human Services, Cincinnati, Ohio
Jaime L. Benson, MEd, Lehigh University, Department of Education and Human Services, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Carrie A. Blevins, MA, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska
Genery D. Booster, MEd, Lehigh University, Department of Education and Human Services, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Matthew K. Burns, PhD, University of Minnesota, Department of Educational Psychology, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Bryan Bushman, PhD, McKay–Dee Behavioral Health Institute, Ogden, Utah
David J. Chard, PhD, Southern Methodist University, Simmons School of Education and Human Development, Dallas, Texas
Nathan H. Clemens, MEd, Lehigh University, Department of Education and Human Services, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Edward J. Daly III, PhD, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska
Anna Dawson, MA, University of Otago, Department of Psychology, Dunedin, New Zealand
Jennifer L. DeSmet, MS, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, Department of Educational Psychology, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Ronnie Detrich, PhD, Wing Institute, Oakland, California
George J. DuPaul, PhD, Lehigh University, Department of Education and Human Services, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Ruth A. Ervin, PhD, University of British Columbia, Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology and Special Education, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Randy G. Floyd, PhD, University of Memphis, Department of Psychology, Memphis, Tennessee
Lynae J. Frerichs, MA, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska
Patrick C. Friman, PhD, Father Flanagan’s Boys Home, Clinical Services and Research, Boys Town, Nebraska
Kristin A. Gansle, PhD, Louisiana State University, Department of Educational Theory, Policy, and Practice, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Donna Gilbertson, PhD, Utah State University, Department of Psychology, Logan, Utah
Gretchen Gimpel Peacock, PhD, Utah State University, Department of Psychology, Logan, Utah
Jami E. Givens, MA, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska
Barbara A. Gueldner, PhD, The Children's Hospital, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Aurora, Colorado
Kimberly A. Haugen, PhD, Father Flanagan’s Boys Home, Clinical Services and Research, Boys Town, Nebraska
Renee O. Hawkins, PhD, University of Cincinnati, Division of Human Services, Cincinnati, Ohio
Keith C. Herman, PhD, University of Missouri, Department of Educational, School, and Counseling Psychology, Columbia, Missouri
Thomas S. Higbee, PhD, Utah State University, Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Logan, Utah
John M. Hintze, PhD, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Department of Student Development and Pupil Personnel Services, Amherst, Massachusetts
Kathryn E. Hoff, PhD, Illinois State University, Department of Psychology, Normal, Illinois
Kristi L. Hofstadter, EdS, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska
Kenneth W. Howell, PhD, Western Washington University, Department of Special Education, Bellingham, Washington
Kevin M. Jones, PhD, Louisiana State University in Shreveport, Department of Psychology, Shreveport, Louisiana
Kathleen Jungjohann, MA, University of Oregon, Department of Special Education and Clinical Services, Eugene, Oregon
Lee Kern, PhD, Lehigh University, Department of Education and Human Services, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Leanne R. Ketterlin-Geller, PhD, Southern Methodist University, Department of Educational Policy, Dallas, Texas
David A. Klingbeil, PhD, University of Minnesota, School Psychology Program, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Sara Kupzyk, MA, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska
Verity H. Levitt, PhD, Glenview School District, Glenview, Illinois
Sylvia Linan-Thompson, PhD, University of Texas at Austin, Department of Special Education, Austin, Texas
Leslie MacKay, MA, University of British Columbia, Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology and Special Education, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Katie L. Magee, MA, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska
Amanda M. Marcotte, PhD, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Department of Student Development and Pupil Personnel Services, Amherst, Massachusetts
Brian K. Martens, PhD, Syracuse University, Department of Psychology Syracuse, New York
Rebecca S. Martinez, PhD, Indiana University, Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology, Bloomington, Indiana
Merilee McCurdy, PhD, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska
Kent McIntosh, PhD, University of British Columbia, Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology and Special Education, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Kenneth W. Merrell, PhD (deceased), University of Oregon, Department of Special Education and Clinical Sciences, Eugene, Oregon
David N. Miller, PhD, University at Albany, State University of New York, Division of School Psychology, Albany, New York
Julie Q. Morrison, PhD, University of Cincinnati, Division of Human Services, Cincinnati, Ohio
Shobana Musti-Rao, PhD, National Institute of Education, Early Childhood and Special Needs Education, Singapore, Singapore
Bradley C. Niebling, PhD, Heartland Area Education Agency, Johnston, Iowa
George H. Noell, PhD, Louisiana State University, Department of Psychology, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Alecia Rahn-Blakeslee, PhD, Heartland Area Education Agency, Johnston, Iowa
Wendy M. Reinke, PhD, University of Missouri, Department of Educational, School, and Counseling Psychology, Columbia, Missouri
Robert L. Rhodes, PhD, New Mexico State University, Department of Special Education and Communicative Disorders, Las Cruces, New Mexico
Kristin D. Sawka-Miller, PhD, Siena College, Department of Psychology, Loudonville, New York
Elizabeth Schaughency, PhD, University of Otago, Department of Psychology, Dunedin, New Zealand
Stephanie Schmitz, EdS, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska
Joan Schumann, MEd, University of Utah, Department of Special Education, Salt Lake City, Utah
Susan M. Sheridan, PhD, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska
Mark D. Shriver, PhD, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Munroe–Meyer Institute for Genetics and Rehabilitation, Omaha, Nebraska
Rebecca Sonnek, EdS, Utah State University, Department of Psychology, Logan, Utah
Karen Callan Stoiber, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Department of Educational Psychology, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Michelle S. Swanger-Gagné, MA, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska
Susan M. Swearer, PhD, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska
W. David Tilly III, PhD, Heartland Area Education Agency, Johnston, Iowa
Amanda M. VanDerHeyden, PhD, Education Research and Consulting, Inc., Fairhope, Alabama
Sharon Vaughn, PhD, University of Texas at Austin, Department of Special Education, Austin, Texas
Jennifer L. Volz, PhD, Father Flanagan’s Boys Home, Clinical Services and Research, Boys Town, Nebraska
Lisa L. Weyandt, PhD, University of Rhode Island, Department of Psychology, Kingston, Rhode Island
Katherine F. Wickstrom, PhD, Louisiana State University in Shreveport, Department of Psychology, Shreveport, Louisiana
Keith D. Allen, PhD, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Munroe–Meyer Institute for Genetics and Rehabilitation, Omaha, Nebraska
Brent Alsop, PhD, University of Otago, Department of Psychology, Dunedin, New Zealand
Melissa Andersen, MEd, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska
Theresa Andreou, MEd, University of British Columbia, Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology and Special Education, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Scott P. Ardoin, PhD, University of Georgia, Department of Educational Psychology and Instructional Technology, Athens, Georgia
Scott K. Baker, PhD, Pacific Institutes for Research, Eugene, Oregon
Elizabeth Barkley, MEd, University of Cincinnati, Division of Human Services, Cincinnati, Ohio
David W. Barnett, PhD, University of Cincinnati, Division of Human Services, Cincinnati, Ohio
Jaime L. Benson, MEd, Lehigh University, Department of Education and Human Services, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Carrie A. Blevins, MA, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska
Genery D. Booster, MEd, Lehigh University, Department of Education and Human Services, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Matthew K. Burns, PhD, University of Minnesota, Department of Educational Psychology, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Bryan Bushman, PhD, McKay–Dee Behavioral Health Institute, Ogden, Utah
David J. Chard, PhD, Southern Methodist University, Simmons School of Education and Human Development, Dallas, Texas
Nathan H. Clemens, MEd, Lehigh University, Department of Education and Human Services, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Edward J. Daly III, PhD, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska
Anna Dawson, MA, University of Otago, Department of Psychology, Dunedin, New Zealand
Jennifer L. DeSmet, MS, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, Department of Educational Psychology, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Ronnie Detrich, PhD, Wing Institute, Oakland, California
George J. DuPaul, PhD, Lehigh University, Department of Education and Human Services, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Ruth A. Ervin, PhD, University of British Columbia, Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology and Special Education, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Randy G. Floyd, PhD, University of Memphis, Department of Psychology, Memphis, Tennessee
Lynae J. Frerichs, MA, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska
Patrick C. Friman, PhD, Father Flanagan’s Boys Home, Clinical Services and Research, Boys Town, Nebraska
Kristin A. Gansle, PhD, Louisiana State University, Department of Educational Theory, Policy, and Practice, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Donna Gilbertson, PhD, Utah State University, Department of Psychology, Logan, Utah
Gretchen Gimpel Peacock, PhD, Utah State University, Department of Psychology, Logan, Utah
Jami E. Givens, MA, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska
Barbara A. Gueldner, PhD, The Children's Hospital, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Aurora, Colorado
Kimberly A. Haugen, PhD, Father Flanagan’s Boys Home, Clinical Services and Research, Boys Town, Nebraska
Renee O. Hawkins, PhD, University of Cincinnati, Division of Human Services, Cincinnati, Ohio
Keith C. Herman, PhD, University of Missouri, Department of Educational, School, and Counseling Psychology, Columbia, Missouri
Thomas S. Higbee, PhD, Utah State University, Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Logan, Utah
John M. Hintze, PhD, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Department of Student Development and Pupil Personnel Services, Amherst, Massachusetts
Kathryn E. Hoff, PhD, Illinois State University, Department of Psychology, Normal, Illinois
Kristi L. Hofstadter, EdS, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska
Kenneth W. Howell, PhD, Western Washington University, Department of Special Education, Bellingham, Washington
Kevin M. Jones, PhD, Louisiana State University in Shreveport, Department of Psychology, Shreveport, Louisiana
Kathleen Jungjohann, MA, University of Oregon, Department of Special Education and Clinical Services, Eugene, Oregon
Lee Kern, PhD, Lehigh University, Department of Education and Human Services, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Leanne R. Ketterlin-Geller, PhD, Southern Methodist University, Department of Educational Policy, Dallas, Texas
David A. Klingbeil, PhD, University of Minnesota, School Psychology Program, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Sara Kupzyk, MA, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska
Verity H. Levitt, PhD, Glenview School District, Glenview, Illinois
Sylvia Linan-Thompson, PhD, University of Texas at Austin, Department of Special Education, Austin, Texas
Leslie MacKay, MA, University of British Columbia, Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology and Special Education, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Katie L. Magee, MA, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska
Amanda M. Marcotte, PhD, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Department of Student Development and Pupil Personnel Services, Amherst, Massachusetts
Brian K. Martens, PhD, Syracuse University, Department of Psychology Syracuse, New York
Rebecca S. Martinez, PhD, Indiana University, Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology, Bloomington, Indiana
Merilee McCurdy, PhD, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska
Kent McIntosh, PhD, University of British Columbia, Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology and Special Education, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Kenneth W. Merrell, PhD (deceased), University of Oregon, Department of Special Education and Clinical Sciences, Eugene, Oregon
David N. Miller, PhD, University at Albany, State University of New York, Division of School Psychology, Albany, New York
Julie Q. Morrison, PhD, University of Cincinnati, Division of Human Services, Cincinnati, Ohio
Shobana Musti-Rao, PhD, National Institute of Education, Early Childhood and Special Needs Education, Singapore, Singapore
Bradley C. Niebling, PhD, Heartland Area Education Agency, Johnston, Iowa
George H. Noell, PhD, Louisiana State University, Department of Psychology, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Alecia Rahn-Blakeslee, PhD, Heartland Area Education Agency, Johnston, Iowa
Wendy M. Reinke, PhD, University of Missouri, Department of Educational, School, and Counseling Psychology, Columbia, Missouri
Robert L. Rhodes, PhD, New Mexico State University, Department of Special Education and Communicative Disorders, Las Cruces, New Mexico
Kristin D. Sawka-Miller, PhD, Siena College, Department of Psychology, Loudonville, New York
Elizabeth Schaughency, PhD, University of Otago, Department of Psychology, Dunedin, New Zealand
Stephanie Schmitz, EdS, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska
Joan Schumann, MEd, University of Utah, Department of Special Education, Salt Lake City, Utah
Susan M. Sheridan, PhD, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska
Mark D. Shriver, PhD, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Munroe–Meyer Institute for Genetics and Rehabilitation, Omaha, Nebraska
Rebecca Sonnek, EdS, Utah State University, Department of Psychology, Logan, Utah
Karen Callan Stoiber, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Department of Educational Psychology, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Michelle S. Swanger-Gagné, MA, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska
Susan M. Swearer, PhD, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska
W. David Tilly III, PhD, Heartland Area Education Agency, Johnston, Iowa
Amanda M. VanDerHeyden, PhD, Education Research and Consulting, Inc., Fairhope, Alabama
Sharon Vaughn, PhD, University of Texas at Austin, Department of Special Education, Austin, Texas
Jennifer L. Volz, PhD, Father Flanagan’s Boys Home, Clinical Services and Research, Boys Town, Nebraska
Lisa L. Weyandt, PhD, University of Rhode Island, Department of Psychology, Kingston, Rhode Island
Katherine F. Wickstrom, PhD, Louisiana State University in Shreveport, Department of Psychology, Shreveport, Louisiana