Principles of Effective Literacy Instruction, Grades K-5
Edited by Seth A. Parsons and Margaret Vaughn
Foreword by Nell K. Duke
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderMay 11, 2021
ISBN 9781462546077
Price: $62.00 334 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
orderMay 21, 2021
ISBN 9781462546046
Price: $41.00334 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
“Parsons and Vaughn have invited a group of extraordinary literacy researchers and practitioners to reflect on state-of-the art principles for teaching students at arguably the most important developmental grade levels. In addition to a laser focus on the most pressing issues of K–5 literacy instruction, the volume honors the work of teachers. Each scholar respectfully presents how instruction can and should cause young readers to maximize their literacy potential. This book is a perfect text for preservice elementary literacy methods courses, will likely be used in reading specialist graduate programs, and can frame lively conversations about effective literacy instruction in professional learning communities.”

—Barbara A. Marinak, PhD, Dean, School of Education, Mount St. Mary's University
“I have learned from both my research and my more than 50 years of working with K–5 classroom teachers that teaching reading is a complex, creative process based in principles, not rules. Teachers must apply those principles in various ways at various times to help students become all they are capable of being. This book helps teachers understand that the key to success is thoughtful adaptation of an array of environmental, instructional, and personal principles. It is a valuable introductory resource for preservice and inservice teachers immersed in the complexities of teaching reading to diverse populations of students.”

—Gerald G. Duffy, EdD, College of Education (Emeritus), Michigan State University
“This book is impressive on several counts, including the caliber of the contributors and the compelling chapter topics. Teacher educators who are intent on preparing preservice teachers for a world in which diversity, equity, and inclusion are the mainstays undergirding effective literacy instruction will find myriad reasons to adopt this book.”

—Donna E. Alvermann, PhD, Department of Language and Literacy Education, University of Georgia
“A detailed, current, and comprehensive guide to the essential elements of teaching reading and other components of literacy. As a former reading specialist, classroom teacher, and administrator, I highly encourage all educational leaders to read this exceptional text for a deeper understanding of the principled approach to literacy instruction.”

—Mary E. McNamee, MS, early childhood specialist, School Readiness Project, Fairfax County Government Office for Children, Virginia

—Barbara A. Marinak, PhD, Dean, School of Education, Mount St. Mary's University
“I have learned from both my research and my more than 50 years of working with K–5 classroom teachers that teaching reading is a complex, creative process based in principles, not rules. Teachers must apply those principles in various ways at various times to help students become all they are capable of being. This book helps teachers understand that the key to success is thoughtful adaptation of an array of environmental, instructional, and personal principles. It is a valuable introductory resource for preservice and inservice teachers immersed in the complexities of teaching reading to diverse populations of students.”

—Gerald G. Duffy, EdD, College of Education (Emeritus), Michigan State University
“This book is impressive on several counts, including the caliber of the contributors and the compelling chapter topics. Teacher educators who are intent on preparing preservice teachers for a world in which diversity, equity, and inclusion are the mainstays undergirding effective literacy instruction will find myriad reasons to adopt this book.”

—Donna E. Alvermann, PhD, Department of Language and Literacy Education, University of Georgia
“A detailed, current, and comprehensive guide to the essential elements of teaching reading and other components of literacy. As a former reading specialist, classroom teacher, and administrator, I highly encourage all educational leaders to read this exceptional text for a deeper understanding of the principled approach to literacy instruction.”

—Mary E. McNamee, MS, early childhood specialist, School Readiness Project, Fairfax County Government Office for Children, Virginia