Program Evaluation Theory and Practice
Third Edition
A Comprehensive Guide
Donna M. Mertens, Jori N. Hall, and Amy T. Wilson
I. The Landscape of Evaluation
1. Introduction to Evaluation: Defining Terms and Ethical Considerations
2. History of Evaluation and Philosophical Frameworks
II. Evaluation Paradigms, Branches, Theories, and Approaches
3. The Postpositivist Paradigm and the Methods Branch
4. The Pragmatic Paradigm and the Use Branch
5. The Constructivist Paradigm and the Values Branch
6. The Transformative Paradigm and the Social Justice Branch
7. The Indigenous Paradigm and the Needs and Context Branch
III. Planning Evaluations
8. Working with Stakeholders: Establishing the Context and the Evaluand
9. Evaluation Purposes, Types, and Questions
10. Evaluation Designs
11. Data Collection Strategies and Indicators
12. Stakeholders, Participants, and Sampling
13. Data Analysis and Interpretation
IV. Implementation in Evaluation: Communication and Utilization of Findings, Management, Meta-Evaluation, and Challenges
14. Communication and Utilization of Findings
15. Meta-Evaluation and Project Management
16. Perennial and Emerging Challenges in Evaluation
Author Index
Subject Index
About the Authors