Racial Trauma in Black Clients
Effective Practice for Clinicians
Jennifer R. Jones-Damis and Kelly N. Moore
Foreword by Nancy Boyd-Franklin
I. Racial Trauma in Clinical Settings
1. Where Do We Begin?: Racial Trauma and Thinking Beyond Diagnosis
2. Thinking Outside the Box: Treatment Adaptations to Address Racial Trauma
3. Awareness in Action: Understanding the Barriers and Facilitators to Treatment Seeking
4. Preparing the Next Generation: Culturally Responsive Supervision
II. Racial Trauma in Community Settings
5. Pen or Pencil: Addressing Racial Trauma in Schools
6. Black and Blue: Working with Law Enforcement
7. The Talk: Helping Parents and Children with Racial Trauma
III. Healing from Racial Trauma
8. Healer, Heal Me: Healing Clients from Racial Trauma
9. Healer, Heal Thyself: Vicarious Racial Trauma and Self-Care
Conclusion: Summing It All Up