Right-Wing Populism in America

Too Close for Comfort

Chip Berlet and Matthew N. Lyons

Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
November 2, 2000
ISBN 9781572305625
Price: $30.00
499 Pages
Size: 6.12" x 9.25"
May 6, 2016
ePub ?
Price: $30.00
499 Pages
print + e-book
Paperback + e-Book (ePub) ?
Price: $60.00 $36.00
499 Pages
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Chip Berlet is an investigative journalist and independent scholar who has published widely on right-wing movements in scholarly journals and the national media. From 1981–2011, he was Senior Analyst at Political Research Associates, a progressive think-tank in Massachusetts.

Matthew N. Lyons has been writing and publishing widely about right-wing politics since the 1990s. His work focuses on the interplay between right-wing movements and systems of oppression, and responses to these movements by leftists, liberals, and the state. He has been the Drexel University Archivist since 2016.