Right-Wing Populism in America

Too Close for Comfort

Chip Berlet and Matthew N. Lyons

Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
November 2, 2000
ISBN 9781572305625
Price: $30.00
499 Pages
Size: 6.12" x 9.25"
May 6, 2016
ePub ?
Price: $30.00
499 Pages
print + e-book
Paperback + e-Book (ePub) ?
Price: $60.00 $36.00
499 Pages
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1. Rebellious Colonizers: Bacon's Rebellion and the American Revolution

2. The Real People: Antimasonry, Jacksonianism, and Anti-Catholic Nativism

3. A Great Mongrel Military Despotism: The First Ku Klux Klan and the Anti-Chinese Crusade

4. Barbarians and Plunder Leagues: Theodore Roosevelt and the Progressives

5. 100 Percent Americanism: World War I-Era Repression and the Second Ku Klux Klan

6. The Industrialist as Producer: Henry Ford's Corporate Empire

7. Driving Out the Money Changers: Fascist Politics in the New Deal Era

8. From New Deal to Cold War: Political Scapegoating and Business Conflict from the 1930s to the 1950s

9. The Pillars of U.S. Populist Conspiracism: The John Birch Society and the Liberty Lobby

10. From Old Right to New Right: Godless Communism, Civil Rights, and Secular Humanism

11. Culture Wars and Political Scapegoats: Gender, Sexuality, and Race

12. Dominion Theology and Christian Nationalism: Hard-Line Ideology versus Pragmatism

13. New Faces for White Nationalism: Reframing Supremacist Narratives

14. Battling the New World Order: Patriots and Armed Militias

15. The Vast Clinton Conspiracy Machine: The Hard Right on the Center Stage

16. The New Millennium: Demonization, Conspiracism, and Scapegoating in Transition


