Social Psychology and Evaluation

Edited by Melvin M. Mark, Stewart I. Donaldson, and Bernadette Campbell

Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
May 4, 2011
ISBN 9781609182120
Price: $61.00
420 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
June 24, 2011
Price: $61.00
420 Pages
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Note: Each chapter is preceded by Introductory Comments and followed by Concluding Comments from the Editors.

I. Background, History, and Overview

1. The Past, the Present, and Possible Futures of Social Psychology and Evaluation, Melvin M. Mark, Stewart I. Donaldson, and Bernadette Campbell

II. Social Psychological Theories as Global Guides to Program Design and Program Evaluation

2. The Social and Policy Impact of Social Cognitive Theory, Albert Bandura

3. Behavioral Interventions:Design and Evaluation Guided by the Theory of Planned Behavior, Icek Ajzen

4. Using Program Theory to Link Social Psychology and Program Evaluation, Manuel Riemer and Leonard Bickman

5. Theory-Driven Evaluation Science and Applied Social Psychology: Exploring the Intersection, Stewart I. Donaldson and William D. Crano

III. Implications of Social Psychological Theory and Research for Meeting the Challenges of Evaluation Practice

6. Planning the Future and Assessing the Past: Temporal Biases and Debiasing in Program Evaluation, Lawrence J. Sanna, A. T. Panter, Taya R. Cohen, and Lindsay A. Kennedy

7. The Social Psychology of Stakeholder Processes: Group Processes and Interpersonal Relations, R. Scott Tindale and Emil J. Posavac

8: Attitudes, Persuasion, and Social Influence: Applying Social Psychology to Increase Evaluation Use, Monique A. Fleming

9. Asking Questions about Behavior: Self-Reports in Evaluation Research, Norbert Schwarz and Daphna Oyserman

IV. Evaluation–Social Psychology Links in Important Areas of Practice: The Present and Promise of Evaluation Contributing to Social Psychology

10. What Social Psychologists Can Learn from Evaluations of Environmental Interventions, Robert B. Cialdini, Noah J. Goldstein, and Vladas Griskevicius

11. Social Interdependence and Program Evaluation, David W. Johnson, Roger T. Johnson, and Laurie Stevahn

12. On Being Basic and Applied at the Same Time: Intersections between Social and Health Psychology, Blair T. Johnson, Natalie L. Dove, and Marcella H. Boynton

V. Expanding the Intersection between Social Psychology and Evaluation

13. Where the Rubber Hits the Road: The Development of Usable Middle-Range Evaluation Theory, Bernadette Campbell and April L. McGrath

14. Building a Better Future, Melvin M. Mark, Stewart I. Donaldson, and Bernadette Campbell