Social Psychology

Third Edition
Handbook of Basic Principles

Edited by Paul A. M. Van Lange, E. Tory Higgins, and Arie W. Kruglanski

HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
October 6, 2020
ISBN 9781462543984
Price: $99.00
638 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
April 21, 2022
ISBN 9781462550241
Price: $66.00
638 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
October 6, 2020
Price: $66.00
638 Pages
print + e-book
Paperback + e-Book (PDF) ?
Price: $132.00 $79.20
638 Pages
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I. Principles in Theory

- Intrapersonal Level

1. Evolutionary Foundations of Social Psychology, William von Hippel, Frank A. von Hippel, & Thomas Suddendorf

2. Approach Motivation and Emotion from a Biological Perspective, Eddie Harmon-Jones & Cindy Harmon-Jones

3. Judgment and Decision Making: Basic Principles of Adaptive Behavior, Klaus Fiedler & Linda McCaughey

4. Construal Processes, Alexa D. Hubbard, David A. Kalkstein, Nira Liberman, & Yaacov Trope

5. Motives Working Together: Value, Truth, and Control in Goal Selection and Pursuit, E. Tory Higgins & Emily Nakkawita

6. Human Autonomy in Social Psychology: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective, Richard M. Ryan & Edward L. Deci

- Interpersonal Level

7. The Biological Foundations and Modulation of Empathy, Grit Hein, Yanyan Qi, & Shihui Han

8. Social Bonds: A New Look at an Old Topic, Sara B. Algoe & Tatum Jolink sample

9. Understanding the Minds of Others: Activation, Application, and Accuracy of Mind Perception, Nicholas Epley & Michael Kardas

10. Shared Reality: Motivated Connection and Motivated Cognition, Gerald Echterhoff & E. Tory Higgins

11. Goal Transactivity, Eli J. Finkel & Gráinne M. Fitzsimons

12. Major Principles of Attachment Theory: Overview, Hypotheses, and Research Ideas, Jeffry A. Simpson, W. Steven Rholes, Jami Eller, & Ramona L. Paetzold

13. Relational Motives, Harry T. Reis

- Intragroup Level

14. Indirect Reciprocity, Gossip, and Reputation-Based Cooperation, Daniel Balliet, Junhui Wu, & Paul A. M. Van Lange

15. Aggression, Violence, and Revenge, C. Nathan DeWall & David S. Chester

16. Cultural Systems: Attunement, Tension, and Lewinian Social Psychology, Dov Cohen, Xi Liu, & Faith Shin

17. Social Ostracism: Theoretical Foundations and Basic Principles, Andrew H. Hales & Kipling D. Williams

18. The Social Power of Emotions: Emerging Principles of the Social Functions and Effects of Emotional Expression, Gerben A. van Kleef

- Intergroup Level

19. Intergroup Processes: Principles from an Evolutionary Perspective, David Pietraszewski

20. Stereotype Content Model: How We Make Sense of Individuals and Groups, Susan T. Fiske, Gandalf Nicolas, & Xuechunzi Bai

21. Perceiving Others as Group Members: Basic Principles of Social Categorization Processes, Kerry Kawakami, Kurt Hugenberg, & Yarrow Dunham

22. Intergroup Contact and Prejudice Reduction: Three Guiding Principles, Angelika Love & Miles Hewstone

23. Categorization and Identity as Motivational Principles in Intergroup Relations, Naomi Ellemers & Dick de Gilder

24. Culture and Intergroup Relations, Yoshihisa Kashima & Michele Gelfand

II. Principles in Context

25. Helping, in Context: Predictors and Products of Prosocial Behavior, Lara B. Aknin, Deborah A. Small, & Michael I. Norton

26. Social Psychology and Law: Basic Principles in Legal Contexts, Kees van den Bos

27. Psychological Shortcomings to Optimal Negotiation Behavior: Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Challenges, Martha Jeong, Julia Minson, & Francesca Gino

28. How Prominent Features of Organizational Life Inform Principles of Social Psychology, Joel Brockner, Batia M. Wiesenfeld, & Ilona Fridman

29. Political Extremism, Katarzyna Jasko, David Webber, & Arie W. Kruglanski

30. Achievement Goals and Self-Regulation in the Sport Context, Nico W. Van Yperen