Storytelling, Narrative, and the Thematic Apperception Test

Phebe Cramer

May 3, 1996
ISBN 9781572300941
Price: $72.00
374 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
June 2, 2004
ISBN 9781593850715
Price: $48.00
374 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"

I. Origins of the Thematic Apperception Test

1. Introduction

2. The TAT

II. Interpretation of the TAT

3. Narrative and Storytelling

4. Context and Storytelling

5. The TAT and the Life Story Narrative

6. Gender Identity: An Interpretive Perspective

7. Defense Mechanisms: Another Interpretive Perspective

III. Studies of Clinical Patients

8. The Storyteller's Narrative

9. The Anaclitic/Introjective Perspective: Two Personality Organizations

10. The Interpreter's Perspective: TAT and Psychopathology

IV. Changing Narratives: Studies of Normal Development

11. Developmental Differences in TAT Stories: Children and Adolescents

12. Developmental Differences in Adult TAT Stories

V. Research Issues with the TAT

13. General Issues in TAT Research

14. Questions of Reliability and Validity

15. The TAT in Personality Research Today

16. The TAT in Clinical Research Studies: Further Examples

17. Conclusion