The Early Education Leader's Guide
Program Leadership and Professional Learning for the 21st Century
Nonie K. Lesaux, Stephanie Jones, Annie Connors, and Robin Kane
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderDecember 3, 2018
ISBN 9781462537525
Price: $54.00 171 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
orderDecember 27, 2018
ISBN 9781462537518
Price: $36.00 171 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
The reproducible materials can be downloaded and printed in PDF format.
“Too often, early education leaders have been left on their own to figure out how to create and maintain effective programs. This book clearly lays out the 21st-century skills that teachers need to best support young children's development. It offers specific guidance on how to build those skills through professional learning communities, coaching, and other professional development. At every step, this work is grounded in the latest research, but it doesn't stop there—it provides practical tools to help leaders in their everyday work with teachers. Every early childhood leader, from the brand-new to the deeply experienced, will find something here to help build a program that makes a meaningful difference in the lives of young children and their families.”

—Bridget K. Hamre, PhD, Center for Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning, University of Virginia
“A great deal has been written lately on developing the competencies of early education leaders, but few resources address the system skills that leaders need to foster teachers' capacities. This unique book expands the competency conversation to include essential system-building habits and strategies. The authors provide a roadmap for creating a culture of adult learning that helps educators support whole-child learning.”

—Vincent J. Costanza, EdD, Chief Academic Officer, Teaching Strategies, Bethesda, Maryland
“A special strength of the book is the vignettes that depict real-life scenarios and then link to research-based strategies and specific steps to implement. The authors clearly understand the demands of teaching—and leading—and do a great job of weaving cutting-edge science into meaningful strategies for leaders to support teachers, and teachers to support students. Among other topics, the book offers the most in-depth discussion I've seen of how to help teachers understand and manage the impact of their own stress levels on the classroom culture. It really clarifies what professional development, professional learning communities, and coaching need to look like in the 21st century.”

—Meg McNiff, MEd, New York State Education Department, Office of Early Learning

—Bridget K. Hamre, PhD, Center for Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning, University of Virginia
“A great deal has been written lately on developing the competencies of early education leaders, but few resources address the system skills that leaders need to foster teachers' capacities. This unique book expands the competency conversation to include essential system-building habits and strategies. The authors provide a roadmap for creating a culture of adult learning that helps educators support whole-child learning.”

—Vincent J. Costanza, EdD, Chief Academic Officer, Teaching Strategies, Bethesda, Maryland
“A special strength of the book is the vignettes that depict real-life scenarios and then link to research-based strategies and specific steps to implement. The authors clearly understand the demands of teaching—and leading—and do a great job of weaving cutting-edge science into meaningful strategies for leaders to support teachers, and teachers to support students. Among other topics, the book offers the most in-depth discussion I've seen of how to help teachers understand and manage the impact of their own stress levels on the classroom culture. It really clarifies what professional development, professional learning communities, and coaching need to look like in the 21st century.”

—Meg McNiff, MEd, New York State Education Department, Office of Early Learning