The Evaluation Handbook

An Evaluator's Companion

Edited by Debra Rog and Leonard Bickman

Hardcovere-bookprint + e-book
May 15, 2025
ISBN 9781462537341
Price: $100.00
606 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
May 5, 2025
Price: $100.00
606 Pages
print + e-book
Hardcover + e-Book (PDF) ?
Price: $200.00 $120.00
606 Pages
professor copy A digital professor copy will be available on VitalSource when published ?

I. Foundation for the Volume

1. Setting the Stage: Supporting the Diverse Knowledge and Skills Evaluators Need in an Ever-Changing Context, Debra J. Rog & Leonard Bickman

2. Competencies for Program Evaluators, Jean A. King

II. Evaluation Theories, Foundations, Principles, and Purpose

3. Evaluative Thinking: Understanding and Applying the Foundations of Evaluation, Thomas Archibald, Jane Buckley, & Guy O’Grady Sharrock

4. Evaluation Theories: Guidance to Evaluating in Various Circumstances, Melvin M. Mark

5. Valuing in Evaluation, Emily F. Gates & Thomas A. Schwandt

6. Equity in Evaluation, Donna Durant Atkinson

7. Ethical Challenges, Michael Morris

8. Fostering Evaluation Use, Marvin C. Alkin & Anne T. Vo

9. Illuminating Evaluation's Kaleidoscope: Beautiful, Diverse, Ever-Changing Manifestations, Michael Quinn Patton

III. Answering Evaluation Questions: Designs, Methods, and Analyses

10. Collaborative, Participatory, and Empowerment Evaluation: From Community Consultation to Community Control, David Fetterman, Liliana Rodríguez-Campos, & Ann Zukoski

11. Making the Most of Evaluations: Strategies for Assessing Program Evaluability and Evaluation Feasibility, Debra J. Rog

12. Monitoring Program Implementation, Byron J. Powell, Leonard Bickman, & Kimberly E. Hoagwood

13. Examining Outcomes and Impacts: Designs and Strategies in Theory and Practice, Laura R. Peck & R. Bradley Snyder

14. Combining Costs and Results: Designs, Strategies, and Analysis, Robert Shand, A. Brooks Bowden, & Henry Levin

15. Evaluation as Storytelling: Using a Qualitative Design, Sharon Rallis & Janet Usinger

16. Planning, Data Collection, and Data Preparation for Quantitative Analysis, Erica Harbatkin, Gary T. Henry, & Lam D. Pham

17. Conducting a Quantitative Analysis, Lam D. Pham, Gary T. Henry, & Erica Harbatkin

18. Mixed Methods Design, Tarek Azzam & Natalie Jones

IV. Planning, Managing, and Implementing Evaluations

19. Designing and Planning an Evaluation: Beyond Methods, Darlene F. Russ-Eft

20. Logic Models and Program Theory, Joy Frechtling

21. Resource Planning, Leonard Bickman

22. The Role of an Internal Evaluator, Arnold Love

23. The Independent Consultant: An Insider’s Guide to a Consulting Career, Gail Vallance Barrington

24. Conducting Evaluations under Budget, Time, and Data Constraints: An International Perspective, Michael Bamberger

V. Crosscutting Issues

25. Communicating with Stakeholders, Glenn O’Neil

26. Information Visualization and Evaluation, Tarek Azzam, Sarah Douville, Ciara Knight, Piper Grandjean Targos, & Natalie Jones

27. Exemplary Evaluations in a Multicultural World, Stewart I. Donaldson


Author Index

Subject Index
