The Mindful Way Workbook
An 8-Week Program to Free Yourself from Depression and Emotional Distress
John Teasdale, Mark Williams, and Zindel Segal
Foreword by Jon Kabat-Zinn

I. Foundations
2. Depression, Unhappiness, and Emotional Distress: Why Do We Get Stuck?
3. Doing, Being, and Mindfulness
4. Getting Ready
II. The Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) Program
5. Week 1: Beyond Automatic Pilot
6. Week 2: Another Way of Knowing
7. Week 3: Coming Home to the Present—Gathering the Scattered Mind
8. Week 4: Recognizing Aversion
9. Week 5: Allowing Things to Be as They Already Are
10. Week 6: Seeing Thoughts as Thoughts
11. Week 7: Kindness in Action
12. Week 8: What Now?
List of Audio Files
Audio Downloads(including running time and narrator):
1. Welcome (00:31; John Teasdale)
2. Raisin Exercise (09:53; Zindel Segal)
3. Body Scan (39:08; John Teasdale)
4. 10-Minute Sitting Meditation—Mindfulness of the Breath (09:54; Mark Williams)
5. Mindful Movement—Formal Practice (38:30; Zindel Segal)
6. Stretch and Breath Meditation (33:39; Mark Williams)
7. Mindful Walking (13:42; Mark Williams)
8. 3-Minute Breathing Space (05:02; John Teasdale)
9. 3-Minute Breathing Space—Extended Version (05:19; Zindel Segal)
10. 20-Minute Sitting Meditation (20:38; Zindel Segal)
11. Sitting Meditation (37:47; John Teasdale)
12. Working with Difficulty Meditation (25:47; Mark Williams)
13. Bells at 5 Minutes, 10 Minutes, 15 Minutes, 20 Minutes, and 30 Minutes (30:10)
14. Two Ways of Knowing (07:06; John Teasdale)