The Psychology of Desire
Edited by Wilhelm Hofmann and Loran F. Nordgren
I. Basic Processes and Mechanisms
1. Elaborated Intrusion Theory: Explaining the Cognitive and Motivational Basis of Desire, Jackie Andrade, Jon May, Lotte van Dillen, & David J. Kavanagh
2. Grounding Desire and Motivated Behavior: A Theoretical Framework and Review of Empirical Evidence, Esther K. Papies & Lawrence W. Barsalou
3. Desire and Desire Regulation, Wilhelm Hofmann, Hiroki P. Kotabe, Kathleen D. Vohs, & Roy F. Baumeister
4. Desire over Time: The Multifaceted Nature of Satiation, Joseph P. Redden
5. The Measurement of Desires and Craving, Michael A. Sayette & Stephen J. Wilson
II. Neuroscience of Desire and Desire Regulation
6. Motivation and Pleasure in the Brain, Morten L. Kringelbach & Kent C. Berridge
7. Neuroscience of Desire Regulation, Richard B. Lopez, Dylan D. Wagner, & Todd F. Heatherton
8. Individual Differences in Desire and Approach Motivation, Eddie Harmon-Jones, Philip A. Gable, & Cindy Harmon-Jones
9. Developmental Changes in Reward Sensitivity and Cognitive Control across Adolescence: Implications for Desire, Adriana Galván
III. Desire, Judgment, and Decision Making
10. License to Sin: Reasoning Processes in Desire, Denise T. D. de Ridder, Jessie C. de Witt Huberts, & Catharine Evers
11. Perceptions of Desire: A Hot-Cold Empathy Gap Perspective, Rachel L. Ruttan & Loran F. Nordgren
12. Want-Should Conflict: A Synthesis of Past Research, T. Bradford Bitterly, Robert Mislavsky, Hengchen Dai, & Katherine L. Milkman
IV. Desire, Affect, and Well-Being
13. You Shall Not Always Get What You Want: The Consequences of Ambivalence toward Desires, Frenk van Harreveld, Hannah U. Nohlen, & Iris K. Schneider
14. Desires and Happiness: Aristotelian, Puritan, and Buddhist Approaches, Shigehiro Oishi, Erin Westgate, Jane Tucker, & Asuka Komiya
15. Liking Little, Wanting Less: On (Lacking) Desire in Psychopathology, Michael T. Treadway
V. Applied Content Domains
16. Desire for Food and the Power of Mind, Anne Roefs, Katrijn Houben, & Jessica Werthmann
17. Sexual Desire: Conceptualization, Correlates, and Causes, Pamela C. Regan
18. Aggressive Desires, Thomas F. Denson, Timothy P. Schofield, & Emma C. Fabiansson
19. The Role of Desire and Craving in Addiction, Ingmar H. A. Franken
20. Three Senses of Desire in Consumer Research, Utpal M. Dholakia
21. Old Desires, New Media, Diana I. Tamir & Adrian F. Ward