Transforming Schools

A Problem-Solving Approach to School Change

Rachel Cohen Losoff and Kelly Broxterman

A Paperback Originale-bookprint + e-book
A Paperback Original
June 12, 2017
ISBN 9781462529575
Price: $41.00
245 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
May 11, 2017
Price: $41.00
245 Pages
print + e-book
A Paperback Original + e-Book (PDF) ?
Price: $82.00 $49.20
245 Pages
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Rachel Cohen Losoff, PhD, NCSP, is Associate Professor in the School Psychology Department at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, where she teaches courses in systems theory and change and is involved in a multi-year grant to implement the problem-solving model presented in Transforming Schools. Her research and publications focus on the factors that influence the implementation of a systems-level change. Prior to her academic appointment, Dr. Losoff worked as a school psychologist and systems change agent in several elementary schools in the Chicago Public Schools and in two suburban middle schools.

Kelly Broxterman, PhD, NCSP (formerly Kelly McGraw), is Associate Professor in the School Psychology Department at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology. She facilitates a multi-year grant to implement the problem-solving model presented in Transforming Schools in a high-needs school, and is a lead coach for the Illinois MTSS Network. She formerly worked as a school psychologist and district trainer.Dr. Broxterman teaches courses in systems theory and change and conducts research on the factors that influence the implementation of a systems-levelchange. She is the coauthor of RTI Team Building: Effective Collaboration and Data-Based Decision Making and RTI in the Classroom: Guidelines and Recipes for Success.